Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Doll Violinist by Mayra Calvani

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers....the place to be when you're in the mood for a GREAT read and you simply need some sage advice.

Okay, so I can't promise mine will be sage, but it will definitely get you started in the right direction and today we're taking a step towards the holidays.  Yes my friends, despite Thanksgiving seeming like only yesterday, the winter holiday season is upon us.  Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa...the list goes on and on.  No matter what holiday you celebrate (or don't celebrate), good tidings and joy seem to somewhat more tangible this time of year; so much so it seems it can be plucked from the air around us like a pear from a tree that happens to be harboring a partridge.  (^_^)  Do you know what I mean?  It's one of those mysteries of life that can never truly be explained but it can be hoped for to last the whole year through...and with steps taken of our own initiative, perhaps one day it will be.  But I digress....

I did not come here to bend your ear and try to turn you to Scrooge's later behaviors but rather to share my thoughts on a remarkable Children's ebook I just read that really warmed my heart.  It's been sitting (okay, buried) in my email awaiting my review for a while now (my apologies to the author and publicist...I can only blame my virtual email goat for hiding it from me - yet another reason I say "yes" to ebooks sparingly) and has chosen a very appropriate time to appear for not only does it take place in the same glorious season (albeit a bit closer to THE DAY) but there's plenty of time for you to grab a copy all your own in either digital or print (yay print!) and sit down for a family (or solo...parties of one rock too!) read.  Without further ado, today's book of choice is...

Art by
Amy Moreno

Emma is a young orphan girl whose dreams are not filled with sugar plums dancing but of her one wish for Christmas...a doll.  Now it's not just ANY doll mind you, but a particular doll in the shop window of Madame Dubois' Toy Store.  She's elegant in her gold trimmed emerald dress.  She's beautiful in the way that her hair curls and reminds you of long nights passed with a treasured friend over a hot drink.  But there's more to this little dolly than good looks mind you; it's something that she holds in her delicate little hand that reminds Emma of home....a violin.

You see, though gone now, Emma's mother was a violinist (who remarkably looks like the does Emma!) and her aspirations for the future see her walking that same path.  The doll would be a gloriously lovely visual reminder of both her past and her future, but how could she ever hope to call her her own?  I mean, she's an orphan child on Christmas just as any other day...

The innocent dreams and wishes of Emma along with her heartfelt connections to her ultimate Christmas gift are a joy to behold in word and illustration.  The story though short is sweet and filled with the emotions of the season (those same emotions that I wish were so readily felt throughout the year...know what I mean?) while the images enhance an already magical "performance".  I love the connections made between not only Emma and her mother's memory but her and Madame Dubois.  How could a shopkeeper that ran an orphan girl off from gazing in her window every day possibly do any good?  Oh, you'll see...and though sadness leaves its mark on them both, it'll put a smile on your face faster than your favorite Christmas carol.

Author Mayra Calvani
In summary, a story perfect for the holiday season (or any season) that reminds us all that the best things in life are free and freely given.  Love shared, a kind word uttered, a helping hand given...all these things and more are in our power to give to another of our own free will whenever a need is seen.  So make jolly your holidays, spend time with family and friends, sing carols round the fireplace and hang lights on the tree...but remember those in less fortunate situations than your own this season and extend a cup of Christmas cheer to warm the soul of another whether they be your next door neighbor or across the miles.  A little love goes a LONG way...

Ebook for review courtesy of Donna McDine (author, publicist and editor-in-chief) and author Mayra Calvani. (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their complete catalog, be sure to visit their official website.  To discover more about the author, discover her secret bookcase (aka her official site ^_^) highlighting her literary works for children including not only this title but Frederico, the Mouse Violinist of which I've previously featured on the site (for adult readers there is a separate site), like her on Facebook or follow along on Twitter!  This book was released September 2011 via Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc and should be available now on a bookstore shelf near you.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. This sounds like a lovely old-fashioned read though I'm not so keen on the cover.

  2. Petty Witter: Huh, now you see that was one of the things that attracted my attention as I love the deep, rich colors and the little girl's expression of delight. Go figure! To each their own... ^_^

  3. I love the sound of this..and so wish the holiday spirit lasted the whole year!
