Thursday, March 7, 2013

Who? What? Where? (4)

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be to satisfy your sweet tooth, for READING that is. 

It's been a bit of a whirlwind week thus far what with all the reviewing, blog touring, contests and what not.  Isn't it funny how the "what not" is what gets you in the end?  Anywho...I've taking a MEME break today and participating in that fabulous pop up that you've been seeing for the past month or two, created by a fabulous bloggy friend.  Ready to indulge in my latest read?  It'll be a surprise, I guarantee.

Hosted by Melissa at My Words and Pages it's time to explore...

Who are you with?
Where are you at?
What's happening?

Share with us just a little bit of what is happening in the book you are reading, right where you are now.
Just a tiny taste of what's happening, remember try to not give spoilers of the book.

I am in the Finger Lakes region of New York, heading back to the old homestead, Blue Heron Vineyard, with Faith Holland and her trusty pal Blue (he's a Golden Retriever).  We've just been harassed by Levi the town police Chief (who is easy on the eyes but my word is he a power tripper!) as we were arriving a little too anxiously (aka speeding...just a wee) because we're here at her sister's request to potentially stop a wedding.

(Boy, that's a funny reason too seeing as how her own wedding once upon a time came to a stand still....we shall see how things pan out.  Thus far having been introduced to the future blushing bride, we've a ways to go if she's to change our minds. )

Kristan Higgins

Anywho, told you you'd be surprised!  My first venture into this genre but so far this one isn't all Oh Jack, Oh Diane or anything...thank goodness!  ^_^  Curious to see how it all turns out...stay tuned for the tour swinging by next week!

So....who/where/what are YOU this week?
Do tell...and feel free to check out the others participating in this MEME as well as link to your own post over at Melissa's site.

Until next time...happy reading!


OH and one more thing....
...if you're a fan of this author or merely a new acquaintance, you might want to mark your calendars as there is a special LIVE CHAT with the author next week via BookTrib!

Who:  Kristan Higgins
When:  Tuesday, March 12th at 3 PM EST
Why:  Because they rock!  ^_^  Well they do, but also because they love to connect authors with readers, so just click HERE to be whisked away to the full info page and get your questions ready!


  1. I love this feature. It makes me want to know more. Enjoy!

  2. Wow, there's a lot going on there. :) Hope you are enjoying it. :)

  3. Why are they stopping the wedding? That sounds like a nice book, I don't know the author but I think I'd like this book
