Monday, June 17, 2013

Unicorn Thinks He's Great by Bob Shea

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place that neither sun, nor rain, nor the ever fun summer cold can stop me from sharing the bookish love with you!  

Yes, that's right.  I have a summer cold.  Let me tell you, if you've never had are SO lucky because in a word, they SUCK.  No really.  It's hot as you-know-where outside and you're all freezing to death and then hot and then sneezing and coughing and just...blech.  Can't say I'd recommend it and I'll be most pleased when it is gone.  *humpf*  Now, enough about my nasal drainage, it's time to explore the pages of something magically delicious!

Today's selection comes to us right off the really, I was sorting the shipment of new arrivals to the store, saw this one, and had to take a few moments at lunch to explore it's rainbow-esque cover.  If the title doesn't get your attention, the cover art certainly will and the story...well, I'll let you decide.  Ready to read all about it?  Today's book of choice is...

Bob Shea

I'm not kidding.
Allow yourself time to chuckle.  Go Ahead.  I'll wait.
Better?  Yeah, that's what YOU think.

The yucks and gaffaws are a mile a minute as we learn what Goat sees as the pros and cons of having this new rainbows and glitter guy in the neighborhood.  Simple but magical pictures help tell the HI-larious story all about what happens when you give others a chance to show their true colors and not simply judge them by their cover.  In this case, it'd be easy to see why Goat is jealous of Unicorn initially, but things aren't always as they seem.  It's another grass is greener on the other side tale with a twist...because as illustrated here, it's always greener to the OTHER person, until you pop your head above the fence and discuss things with your neighbor.

I can't say there was a downside to this one at all as I enjoyed every written line and was delighted visually with every turn of the page, but one of my FAVORITE scenes is when they team up for some "clovin' justice" with an end result of someone having been "unicorned".  Trust me.  It's funny.  Little ones will get into the two sided affair and be rooting for them both by book's end.  Older readers will delight in the message as well as the illustrations because really, how can you go wrong with unicorns?

This title is set to be released by Disney Hyperion next week so get yourself a pre-order of it or be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf near you!  You won't regret it.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. I'm certainly having a quiet chuckle to myself whilst thinking how much this little character reminds me of one of The Moomins, Swedish book and cartoon characters that I adored as a girl.

  2. Oh my gosh, I neeeeed this book!! thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh this sounds cute and hilarious! Wonderful review!
