Friday, August 9, 2013

BLOG TOUR: Lion vs. Rabbit by Alex Latimer

Hi there!
Welcome back to the Friday edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when the weekend is upon you and you need a few bookish suggestions to make it just right.

Today, you're in for a DOUBLE treat!  That's right!  Just call us blog tour central as we're hosting not one but TWO tours today so there's a little something for everyone.  This time around, we're exploring a new release title from the Children's Picture Book genre courtesy of the fabulous folks over at Peachtree Publishers.  (Hi, Emily!)  It stars the work of an author we've come to know and love through his wonderful characters and the life lessons they impart with a smile. This release is no different and tackles a subject near to our hearts...bullying.  Ready to read all about it?  Here we go!  Today's book of choice and blog tour guest is....

Written & Illustrated by
Peachtree Publishers

Oh where to begin with this one!  First we have Lion, who is a bully to say the least.  All the animals in the kingdom are MORE than fed up with his antics but no one is "man" (beast?) enough to stand up to him.  From signs taped to their behinds, having their lunches stolen and even the dreaded wedgie, he's your average high school tormentor only super sized and with claws.  *-*  Oh where oh where can they find relief?  An online ad from a primate with opposable thumbs (and a red bum...ha!  Gotta love the typing baboon) and a few responses later and we meet our "savior"....a great big strong, no wait....a wee little fluffy tailed rabbit.  6_6  Ah, but looks can be deceiving and this little guy has more than carrots up his sleeve.

It was a wonder and a joy to see this story unfold as the quick little rabbit outsmarts the "king of beasts".  He teaches him a lesson without his secret method being exposed...though that method is a hoot...and Lion is a better man, I mean beast for it.  You'll laugh as you spot rabbit here and there (and there and there) throughout the story.  You'll marvel at how he's able to win each challenge placed before him, even when the odds seem insurmountable.  You'll even cheer as the Lion's transformation from bully to friend is made complete....all while enjoying the illustrations throughout.  From the colorful full page spreads to the surprises and humorous bits hidden within, there's something for all ages to enjoy once again from this author who's leaving his mark in the Children's lit world.

ARC and final copy for review courtesy of Emily (and friends!) at Peachtree Publishers.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their growing catalog, be sure to stop by their official site, check out their blog, pin them on Pinterest, like them on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter. This title was released this month so be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf near you.  Remember, this was the final stop on the week long blog tour, but there is still more fun to be had!  Be sure to check out the other stops along the way for great posts, features, and contests, viewable by clicking HERE....and stop by to check out post number two of the day for even more bookish fun!

Until next time...happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good one with a good message.

    I want to teach my little girl to be tough but also to be kind and to not be afraid to stand up for other rabbits.
