Friday, September 20, 2013

BLOG TOUR: Claude at the Circus by Alex T. Smith

Why hello again!
Welcome back to the Friday edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when you're bookish and not afraid to show it, because really, it is THE place to be!

As we draw another week of reading to a close, a quick reminder about to contests currently running on the site.  First up, TODAY is your LAST CHANCE to enter to win a FREE 3 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION to Hand-Picked Words!  Each month you'll get two shorter titles and two full length ebooks for your reading pleasure.  To enter, click here.  Second, Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day was just this week and to celebrate, you've got a chance to win a piratey prize pack complete with a stuffed little sea dweller to call your own!  To enter to win GREENBEARD THE PIRATE PIG, click here.  Now, on with the show....

Today, we're playing host to yet another blog tour, I warned you it was blog tour week here on the site, but this one comes to us from the fab folks over at Peachtree Publishers (Hi Emily!).  If you haven't discovered their amazing selection of Children's titles, you are sorely missing out.  Anywho, back to the title at hand....though it works as a stand alone, it's actually book 2 of a growing kid lit series that is quite simply put....entertaining.  Please join me in welcoming today's blog tour guest....

Claude at the Circus
Alex T. Smith

About the book....
When Mr. and Mrs. Shinyshoes leave for the day, Claude and Sir Bobblysock take a walk in the park. While they are enjoying their outing, a woman calls for help, and they find themselves rescuing a runaway baby buggy - with the baby still inside! After their daring success, they are invited by The Amazing Alan to come see his circus. When the performers struggle with their acts, Claude and Sir Bobblysock must save the show.

Ah yes, Claude and Sir Bobbleysock set off on an adventure while the missus and the mister are away.  One would think they'd get into all sorts of mischief, but no....they simply seem to find what others mussed and fix it with little to no fuss.  A winning combination, no?  Quite right indeed and only the tip of the proverbial iceberg if you know what I mean.

For those that read the first Claude book a few months back. today's adventure will seem new but not wholly unexpected.  I mean, Claude is true to his character and well, Sir Bobblysock is...a bobbly sock just waiting for his time to shine.  No worries, guys, he does this time and again earning himself recognition from both Claude...but also a NEW and unanticipated audience.  Ever dream of being in the circus?  I bet some of you at the very least answered yes and for those that didn't, well you'll just have to pretend.  (^_^) Back on track...a day out and about town while Mr and Mrs ShineyShoes are away, Claude doth play....and he plays it right, even managing to get back home (maybe before his folks....maybe) in a most unexpected yet effective way.  It's a story that reminds us that you're never too big nor too small to accomplish your dreams and if one door shuts, another one is quite often just waiting to be discovered.

So, if I were to put a fine point on it, the characters are wonderful yet again.  The two tone illustrations and fun flying images are worthy of a heart felt gaze as well as a long planned visual review.  You'll find yourself holding your breath as Claude makes his way across the high wire act, and releasing same said breath in a chuckle for what just transpired.  You'll cheer on Mr Bobbley Sock, gasp at what Claude has inadvertently done (or did he, mum's the word!), and savor every moment of this three ringed tale.  It's a blast and a half and something I definitely recommend for all ages.  If the story doesn't grab your attention, the illustrations surely will...and that my friends is that!

Now, this IS a blog tour so it stands to reason there are other stops along the way.  Though a complete listing would suit the situation, I'm merely going to highlight my posting "bud" today....Boys and Literacy.  Be sure to click on over to check out even MORE tour-ish fun.  For more information on Claude, stop by his official site, or like the author's page on Facebook. To discover more of Peachtree Publisher's growing catalog, be sure to stop by their official site or check them out over on Facebook.

Until next time....happy reading!

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