Sunday, September 29, 2013

For the love of a four-legged friend...Patch by David Slonim

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when the weather is less than satisfactory, because the reading forecast is always bright and sunny skies ahead.

Good thing about that sunny reading forecast at least because the weather in my neck of the woods has been less than complimentary to a sunny disposition as of late (yesterday and today withstanding).  EVERY DAY it has rained...and I don't just mean rain, I mean RAIN.  Picture cats and dogs with scuba gear...sorta like this picture...

...yep.  THAT kind of rain.  Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind the rain...provided the circumstances are just right.  You know, a day/night at home with the family curled up with a good book.  ^_^  Delightful, don't you think?  Anywho, here's hoping your skies have been clearer and the temperatures headed in the Fall direction (*pokes head outside today*....I LOVE FALL!).  Now, let's talk books, shall we?

I've bee reading up a storm lately but with a strained schedule, it's been harder to share everything.  So, if you're one of the lot that are awaiting a worries, it's coming...starting with today's little beauty.  It's a Children's Picture Book that comes to us from MacMillan Children's Publishing Group starring those fur babies we love to love...puppies!  Okay, well it's actually about one pup and his boy friend but it's written in such a way that you can substitute your dog in the story too.  Don't believe me?  Let's give it a whirl, shall we?  Today's book of choice is...

Roaring Brook Press

What can I truly say about this one that upon your eyes meeting the cover...isn't already said?

Truly it's an adorable book.  Short, sweet, and to the stars a boy and his dog, all the mischief he (or is it THEY? ^_^) can get into, and how despite it all or perhaps even because of it, we love them just the same, no matter what.  It's a colorful, basic, and pure way of translating the love we feel in our hearts for our family fur babies into a tangible, readable, and most importantly SHARE-ABLE form.  The images are appealing, the color palette light and friendly, and the story true as true can be.  It's enough to make an adult reader "ooh" and "aah" from cover to cover with the youngest of them...or with their own fur babies, as some reader I know did. (*ahem*)

Little ones will be transfixed by Patch's visual romp through the pages as he rolls in the mud, plays with his boy, and just does what comes naturally to a dog (even get fleas!).  For those of you that aren't in the "love-all-canine"-us family, that means be SO adorably cute that you can't stay mad at them for very long.  Older kiddos will follow along word for word and perhaps even come away with a desire to add a four-legged friend to their family.  (Sorry parents, but really...not.  ^_^ Fur babies are WONDERFUL!) Older readers...well, you have to have at least one of the following in order to enjoy this little gem:  1) a vivid imagination, 2) the ability to let your inner child run wild and free, and/or 3) a love of dogs.  Don't worry readers....I have faith in you.

ARC for review courtesy of Ksenia at MacMillan Children's Group.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their ever growing catalog, be sure to stop by their site, like them on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.  This title is available now via Roaring Brook Press, so be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf near you.

Until next time...happy reading!

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