Sunday, October 27, 2013

Four Legged Fiends Strike Again...courtesy of Penguin!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be if you're loving life, especially the bookish aspect of it.  

Today, we have a book that celebrates two of my FAVORITE things...READING...and...DOGS!  Yep.  A two in one winning combo that you simply can't go wrong with...well, okay, perhaps that's an over statement.  I mean some of these dogs, or rather the poems submitted on their behalf, ARE a bit on the "off" side of things, but it's harmless fun nonetheless.  Ready to greet today's featured title?  Alrighty then.  I'll just need you to sit, stay, and READ!  Today's book of choice is...

Classic Poetry by Dogs
R.D. Rosen, Harry Prichett, and Rob Battles

Yes.  It IS as FUN as the title and cover image lead you to believe.  From sweet to scary, obnoxious to what-in-the-world, there is something to induce laughter, smiles, gasps of surprise, and even tears on every page.  You'll be hard pressed to choose a favorite, or at least stick with a favorite.  I mean, how DO you choose?  It's like having a favorite child in a family of four; it just can't be done.  So, to be fair, I'm choosing to highlight a FEW of my favorites.  *ahem*  Let's see now, there's...

...Jose the "Dog Lord" Chihuahua from New York City (pg 41)...if the picture wasn't enough, the poem reminds you that size is DEFINITELY not everything, and never underestimate the little guy.
...Zooey from New York City (pg 37)...draws you in with her adorable-ness, and steal a tear with her simple yet moving question.
...Jax from Jacksonville, Florida (pg 64)...may be down a paw or two but he has spunkiness to spare.
...Cliff from Newhall, Iowa...who may just have the same sentiments in mind as one of my pups when it comes to the whole cookie business.
...and of course we can't leave out Oscar from New York City (pg 66), whose poem inspired the title of the entire collection!

These are just a few of the wonderfully adorable (and more than likely COMPLETELY sincere) rhyme filled, well worded wonders gracing the pages of this fun little read.  You'll smile at the sentiments, laugh out loud at some of the pics and be reminded just how much joy our four legged friends bring to our lives each and every day.  The only "warning" of sorts I must pass along is that some of the content is not exactly kiddo's in the minority.  So, if you're looking for something to brighten your day, the day of someone you know, or simply seeking a better insight into the mind of your pooch, this is definitely a title that should be on your MUST READ list.  Even my pups gave it two paws up...and they can be PRETTY darn picky!

Review copy received courtesy of Milena at Penguin Group USA.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their complete catalog, be sure to visit their official site.  To join all the buzz being generated by this new release, check out the Facebook page or follow along on Twitter.  This book reaches publication this month, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf near you.

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Not a big fan of either poetry but I could make an exception for this.

  2. Cute!!! Thanks for showing us a page too. :)

  3. What a cute idea! Love dogs, and love the idea of them writing poetry! Thanks for the great excerpt, as Oscar sounds like my kind of guy!

  4. Tracy: you should indeed... ^_^

    Juju: My pleasure!

    Alexia561: Right? So many cuties to behold...and snarks to read!
