Saturday, December 14, 2013

Dashing through the snow, in a ....One-Dog Sleigh by Mary Casanova

Why hello again!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…the place where “walkin’ in a winter wonderland” is not merely a lyrical string, but a daydream traipsed after each and every day of the season for this reader.

 Yes, although I live in the “sunshine state” (*cough* LIQUID *cough*), I’m dreaming of a white Christmas too.  *le sigh*  If only, right?  Hey, one can DREAM…and dream I shall thanks to a vivid imagination AND today’s featured title!  Ready to get in on the winter time fun?  Grab your scarf and hat, and make room in the sled.  It’s time for today’s book of choice…

Pictures by
Farrar Straus Giroux

Dashing through the snow,
Over the fields we go,
Giggling all the way!

Each woodland creature seen,
Every furry friend we meet;
Their little eyes do glean,
Hoping to procure a seat.

But oh, our sleigh is small,
With only so much room;
However will we fit them all,
Avoiding wintery gloom?

The secret my dear friends,
Lies in our heart of hearts;
For love, it knows no ends,
Nor friendship, at it starts.

Such is the case in this adventure,
Through the white and snowy drifts;
One friend and dog set out as two,
For a merry little day trip.

Upon the way, their passenger count,
Grows and grows some more;
With each new member of their posse,
Bulging out the sleigh door.

Small sleighs won’t slow us down,
Nor all the extra weight (*ahem*);
We’ll pull together, no need to frown,
Shan’t even hesitate.

The more the merrier, I always say,
Though the going may be slower;
You’re paid by way of kindness,
Happy times and friendly shoulders.

Our girl and pup prevail,
On this fateful wintery day;
In bringing cheer to others,
As they go their merry way.

So, this winter season,
I beseech of each of you;
Spread some holiday cheer
Enough to last the whole year through.

Lend a hand, share a smile,
Delight in a great read;
For to give the gift of reading,
Brings many happy returns, indeed.


Recommended read for all ages.  With delightful illustrations and a smile worthy rhyming scheme, there’s much to treasure this season and many more hereafter.  ARC for review courtesy of Ksenia at MacMillan Children’s Publishing Group.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their full catalog, be sure to stop by their site, friend them on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.  This title celebrated its book birthday this past September, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf near you.

Until next time…happy reading!


  1. I read Mary Casanova's MG book The Klipfish Code and we are interviewing her on our blog in January. How wonderful to find her here too! This looks like a delightful book. I will have to check it out soon!

    Happy Holidays!
