Thursday, February 13, 2014

BLOG TOUR: OMG...Am I a Witch? by Talia Aikens-Nunez - Review + Giveaway!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…the site that’s not afraid to read outside of her “age recommended” reading list because really, your imagination is only limited by, well…YOU.

Today, we are playing host to a blog tour via TLC Book Tours, starring a Middle Grade chapter book that’s chock full of adventure.  Well okay, adventure for some…possibly flea bitten ears and a lot of scratching for others.  *ahem*  Hey, it’s not without cause and well…let’s just get to the story because otherwise I’ve give away all my thoughts on it before you’ve even been properly introduced.  Get ready for a potentially magic filled ride in today’s book of choice…

Talia Aikens-Nunez
Pinwheel Books

About the book…
April Appleton is so annoyed at her older brother that she searches the Internet for a spell to turn him into a dog.  When the spell works, April realizes she has more powers than she ever dreamed of!  Now she has to figure out how to turn him back to normal before her parents find out.  She has little time, but with help from her friends Grace and Eve she finds a book of magic that will hopefully reverse the spell.  Will it work, and will April’s newfound magic save the day?

This is a story that answers the prayers of A LOT of kid sisters out there that have had just about enough teasing from their older siblings….especially kid sisters with BIG brothers. 

I’ve got to share something with you though before we continue.  When I’m reading a book, I tend to talk about whatever it is that’s happening between the pages, especially if it moves me for better or worse.  With this one, I was discussing the basic story with my coworkers.  When I got to the part about finding it hard to remember it was her OLDER brother she turns into a dog, I was met with stares of disbelief…on my own thoughts.  I said, But aren’t older brothers/sisters suppose to be the ones that STOP that kind of behavior?  Protecting the kid sibling from the ribbing, name calling, etc…?  Whew!  You wouldn’t believe how they laughed and laughed and laughed some more at that one.  Or perhaps you would…

Apparently my only child upbringing did not necessarily afford me the “proper” ideals when it comes to the older sibling relationship….meaning, where I believed they’d stick up for you and protect you from all that and what not (and in some cases however rare I’m certain I’m still right), real life dictates that reaction only when it’s someone else is doing the teasing.  They seem to have “permission” to have at you whenever and wherever they feel like it.  *raises eyebrows* Well then, though I suppose two wrongs may not make a right, I gotta give April credit…he totally deserved it!  (*high fives character*)  I mean really though, her reaction could have been FAR stronger and much more REALISTIC than Google-ing a “how to turn your brother into a dog” spell.  Who really thinks THAT’S gonna work?  Just a random search for a giggle and chuckle. Oh and I suppose her ability to instantly recall it when the timing was perfect, you’re going to blame on her as well? Uh-huh. That’s what I thought.  How was she to know not everyone using those keywords would have the same access as she?  Gheesh…  Anywho…

Magical abilities; some stories depend on them and some characters define themselves by how much or little they have.  Here, they are a complete surprise…almost to the point of being unwelcome, by the character, not by readers.  How so?  Well, April is a good kid and her conscience nags at her about all sorts of things.  Those things since the unfortunate brother-turned-dog incident, have been piling up considerably.   Poor April.  All she wants to do is make things right…but until then, it seems the lesser of two evils is making a bigger mess.  Don’t worry too much though because April not only has a plan, she’s got friends and that my dear readers is a winning combination if ever I’ve seen one.  Does she manage to turn her older brother back into his loving and caring human form?  Or at the very least, does she manage to make things go back the way they were?  Maybe…but I’m not telling.  It’s too short, sweet, and cute to spoil it for you.  After all, half the magic of a story is in the READING experience…

Author Talia Aikens-Nunez
In the end, though low in page count, this chapter book beauty is HIGH in content to love.  With characters like April and her best friends to her older brother that could stand to learn a lesson or two (though I’m not quite sure they get through his little doggy brain when all is said and done), there’s someone for everyone to relate to.  The story line could be from any non-only child’s remembrances and the sprinkling of magical happenings, as well as the way they are portrayed, just provides us with more ways for readers to be drawn in…and I do mean drawn in.  It’s not just the story itself but also the ties it creates to the history of New Orleans and all the other worldly happenings it is known for without turning up the scare factor; a great combo, if I do say so myself, that allows young readers a chance to get to know another culture on friendly terms without the heavy history intro.  Definitely curious to see if any further adventures are in store for April and her friends….

Review copy received courtesy of Trish at TLC Book Tours and Pinwheel Books.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their full catalog, be sure to visit the publisher online.  To discover more about the mind behind the work, stop by the author's site or friend her on Facebook.  This being a blog tour and all, there are more stops to see and fun to be had so make a point of checking out the other great sites this title is being featured on this month!  You won’t be sorry...oh and another thing.... won't be sorry about is sticking with this post!  You know why?  Oh, come on...guess?!  I bet the answer is on the tip of your tongue.  Oooh....maybe you've got powers like April!  I mean, you were just thinking how much you wanted a copy of this book, right?  Right!  How's about we make it even sweeter?  How?  Well, that's making it a SIGNED copy up for grabs!  Go ahead...commence with the squee.  When you are finished though, just CLICK HERE and fill out the Google Form for YOUR CHANCE TO WIN!  Open for entries today through Friday, February 21st at midnight CST time.  US/Canada residents only, no P.O. Boxes please.

Until next time…GOOD LUCK....and happy reading!


  1. I was the older sibling and I definitely wasn't THAT bad! LOL It's funny how our own experiences color what we read, isn't it?!

    Thanks for being on the tour!

  2. Sounds like a fun book no matter what your age or how many siblings you have!
