Friday, February 7, 2014

For the love of....BOO!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the site that promised to steal your heart every day this month with something bookish but also worth a few extra beats of your heart….Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
(Oh and don't forget to use Grammarly to check plagiarism online because whispering sweet nothings is great, so long as YOU are the original source.)

Today, we’re in LOVE…or more precisely PUPPY LOVE….with not one but TWO titles worthy of your attention.  That’s right, it’s a two-for-one love fest today that you won’t be able to resist.  Coming to us via Chronicle Books, get ready for a day of CUTIE OVERLOAD as author J.H. Lee brings us TWO instances of fur-baby photography to oooh and aaah over.  First up…


What did I tell you?  Cute beyond belief and with some to spare!  I myself have a mini-pom at home and think the world of her (as I do my other pups) but alas, I think if I got her hair cut like Boo’s, I’d probably wake up in the middle of the night to find her staring at my head of hair with a safety razor in paw.  *-*  Since bald is not the look I’m personally going for, she stays her fluffy self….and Boo can sporty the teddy bear cut he’s known for.  (Okay Pippy?  You hear that? *passes cookie to fur baby*)

In this Boo’s first book, we meet the little pup that would be CUTIE GOD ON THE MOUNTAIN TOP and his friend Buddy.  I love the fact that Boo spends so much time with Buddy (even dedicating the book in part to him!).  It just goes to show you that even if you are proudly bearing the moniker of “world’s cutest dog” who don’t have to go all diva on your friends and family.  Favorite pic in this particular volume (though deciding was a tack indeed!)?  Gotta be the “please” and “thank you” side by side snapshots.  The face change is subtle but SO cute and you can see in his little eyes he means the sentiments he’s displaying.  Now, on to his next adventure…. 


If you can’t believe your eyes, BELIEVE THEM!  It’s Boo’s second book and it’s just as adorable as the first.  This time around, Boo and Buddy are traveling to the big city, in their little red corvette nonetheless!  (Don’t worry….a responsible adult human took care of the actual transportation.)  They see the sights, do some shopping, grab a bite to eat and even pop in at the local doggy hotel for a spa break, all while putting their best face and best OUTFITS forward.  What’s that?  You don’t believe in dressing dogs in fashion type clothes?  Well, don’t knock it til you try it…or at least until you observe it being done within the pages of this book.  They are simply precious…and I do mean THEY because Buddy even gets in on the fun.  (^_^)  Way to go Boo for sharing the spotlight!  Fa

Favorite pic?  Once again, such a HARD decision!  I mean, they are all adorable, and more adorable, and even more adorable still.  If I simply had to pick one that really tickled my fancy, I’d have to go with Boo at the BOO-k signing, because who doesn’t love a pooch that likes to read and share that love with others…and for my second pick (hey, no one said I couldn’t have two), I’d go with Boo’s winter outfit. Why?  Well, it’s my favorite color plus just really…SUCH a CUTIE! 

In conclusion, whether dog lover or merely a sucker for cute animals in general, the Boo books are TOO MUCH to be ignored.  The only thing that could possibly top these books would be meeting the main pup in person or snapping a pic of your top dog with this fashion forward pooch.  I mean really, talk about death by cuteness!  Review copies received courtesy of the fabulous folks over at Chronicle Books.  (THANKS!)  For more information on these titles as well their growing catalog of wonders, be sure to stop by their official site or follow along on Twitter.  To see what Boo’s up to next, friend the friendly pooch on Facebook…you know I did.  Hey, who couldn’t use a little more cute in their day?

Until next time…happy reading!


  1. Oh my word. He is SO cute. Baby Whimsy would love him.

  2. He's incredibly adorable, but a little scary too. Like a teddy bear come to life! Sorry, too many horror movies as a child... *L*

  3. Aww, look at those puppies. lol. I love the one with hearts all over it. :D
