Monday, February 10, 2014

For the love of...PICTURE BOOKS!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…the place to be for a month long celebration of all the bookish things we love, because let’s face it…you know you love them too.

Today’s love fest is shining on that favorite of childhood past…PICTURE BOOKS!  Well, okay…truth be told, they are not simply for children.  These visual treasures are good for anyone with an active imagination and an appreciation for creativity in word and image.  I mean really, which is easier…conveying the BIG PICTURE in 200+ pages, or less than 40 with about a sentence on each?  See?  Not as easy as you think.  So, hands in the air if you’re a fan of the great and powerful, often times beautiful, and verily entertaining Picture Book!  (*raises hands*)  Okay, okay…simmer down. 

Lemony Snicket
Illustrated by
Lisa Brown
McSweeney’s McMullens

About the book
We are very curious about the Swinster Pharmacy.  We stay up late every night wondering what sort of eerie secrets it contains.  Why are there three styrofoam  heads in the windows?  Who is the owner?  Is it really closed on the weekends?
Renowned investigator Lemony Snicket has compiled 29 myths about this bewildering establishment, in the vain hope that he could help us shine some light on this enduring mystery.


As curious as HE is, multiply that interest by about a MILLION…and you might come close to my interest, or rather OUR interest after you’ve delved into this little beauty.

 We begin with a mystery, continue with an interest, and move forward with the means by which to seemingly reveal all that is hiding in the shadowy corners of this facility.  Seemingly.  *ahem*  You see, this particular business, if that’s even what it is *raises eyebrows*, is well adept at keeping it’s reputation intact.  How else has it survived all the inquires over the years!  Of course, you have to KNOW what that reputation is but if you’re in the IN-THE-KNOW club then I guess the mystery is not so great…good thing none of us are, right?  Hey, wait a second…

Getting back to that mystery…we have a brother sister duo to thank for shining their little flashlights on this one.  They are intent on answering their own call to curiosity and since they were apparently taught to share, they have no problem letting us in on what they’ve learned.  The question is though…what DID they learn?  For that matter, what will WE learn?  Wait…what did I learn?  *scratches head*  Well, I suppose you’ll have to read it to solve YOUR dilemma, I mean you can’t expect me to spoil it all for you and all, I doubt Mr. Snicket would appreciate that…but as for me…I came out alright.  I mean hey, I’ve learned all about the three heads in the window, the numerous kitty disappearances (but isn’t that one right there in the corner?), the mysterious bags people leave with that they didn’t bring in, and even the people that go in and come out in the same clothes!  Imagine that!  Craziness indeed…

At book’s end, I’m not certain I can truly draw any conclusions as the mystery of this particular establishment remains mostly safe and partially sound.  Read the story (SO FUN…or was it?).  Explore the illustrations (WONDERFUL..~double checks response~…yep, just WONDERFUL!).  See if YOU can uncover the secrets of this shady yet seemingly everyday business or maybe even add a few more myths yourself.  Imagination is a powerful thing and a formidable opponent (or ally?) against with unknown.  Once it gets away from us however, there’s no telling where it can lead.  Over the river…through the woods…to grandmother’s house where the Big Bad is hanging out in Granny’s house dress and my goodness Mr. Wolf!  That floral totally brings out your eyes! ~sneaks away~

Review copy received courtesy of the great team at McSweeney’s McMullens.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their growing catalog, be sure to stop by their official site, or follow along on Twitter.  This book is available this week, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf near you.

Until next time…happy reading!


  1. I love, love, love picture books. I used to end the school year with my creative writing students with a unit on children's literature where we would make children's books. My husband worked for HP at the time, and I even picked the best story to make into a hardbound book for the student to keep.
