Friday, May 9, 2014

BLOG TOUR: The Dyerville Tales by M.P. Kozlowsky - Spotlight + GIVEAWAY!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers, your online source for daily bouts of fits and fancy all brought about by yet another bookish adventure embarked upon.

Today, we’re playing host to a blog tour courtesy of the fabulous team over at Walden Pond Press.  (Hi guys! ~waves~)  As many of you know, the handling of such affairs and virtual get-togethers, changed hands not too long ago and though we’ll miss Kellie (*sniff sniff*), Danielle has been working her own magic to make things seamless and just as entertaining.  So, are you ready to explore a whole new reading world with today’s tour stop over?  *hears cheers of encouragement*  Alright!  Let’s DO this!

The featured title of the day making its way through the blogosphere comes to us from an author that’s making a name for themselves in the Children’s Fiction arena…and that name is synonymous with touching tales that straddle the line of fiction and reality with a shiver of CREEPY running straight through the middle.  It’s good stuff, let me tell you…and if you need more convincing than that, I am FULLY prepared!  First, feel free to click over to my first exposure to this author’s storytelling abilities, Juniper Berry. 

*waits a few minutes*

Oh yay, you’re back!
Okay, so now that you’re DOUBLY curious, take a gander at this NEW title from this growing talent….

Illustrated by
Walden Pond Press

A young orphan searches for his family and the meaning in his grandfather's book of lost fairy tales in this stunningly original coming-of-age middle-grade fantasy.

Vince Elgin is an orphan, having lost his mother and his father in a fire when he was young, but beyond that, his life hasn't been much of a fairy tale. With only a senile grandfather he barely knows to call family, Vince was remanded to a group home, where he spun fantastical stories, dreaming of the possibility that his father, whose body was never found, might one day return for him. But it's been a long time since the fire, a long time since Vince has told himself a story worth believing in.

That's when a letter arrives, telling Vince his grandfather has passed away. Vince cannot explain it, but he's convinced that if his father is somehow still alive, he'll find him at the funeral. He strikes out for his grandfather's small hometown of Dyerville carrying only one thing with him: his grandfather's journal. The journal tells a story that could not possibly be true, a story of his grandfather's young life involving witches, giants, magical books, and evil spirits. But as Vince reads on and gets closer to Dyerville, fact and fiction begin to intertwine, and Vince finds that his very real adventure may have more in common with his grandfather's than he ever could have known.


I don’t know about you, but I’m HOOKED!
Yep.  Throw away the key, I’m a goner.
Don’t you love it when a book does that?
You know, captures your attention and just won’t let go?

Seriously though, this one really has me intrigued.  Even if I hadn’t had exposure to the author’s work previously, I would be curious to see just what might happen with our young friend.  Will his grandfather’s journal prove helpful?  Are the fantastical tales held within some form of truth or merely the creations of an over active imagination?  How will Vince handle this additional loss in his life….and is his father REALLY out there somewhere just waiting for a family reunion? 

So many questions, so many ponders….
*looks at Mount TBR*
So, although this book is TOTALLY on my future “to-read” list, alas, an actual review is not in the cards for a bit.  HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean YOU can’t check it out ASAP and let me know how the read through went for you!  I invite you to share, I welcome in fact, your thoughts and adventures through the pages seeing as this title reached publication the end of April.  After all, that’s what helps make this great big bloggy world go round, right?  Speaking of which, that brings me to the second part of our feature today….

…the part that you’ve all been waiting for….

…and interpretive dance number!

Whew!  Look at him go!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

What’s that?
That’s NOT what you were waiting for?
Well fine then….guess I’ll just have to get to the GIVEAWAY portion of the post.


Thanks to the generosity of the fabulous folks at Walden Pond Press, I am pleased to bring YOU a chance to WIN!  What’s the prize you ask?  Why, you’re very own SIGNED copy of The Dyerville Tales by M.P. Kozlowsky!  How you like them apples?  ^_^

How to enter…
…just fill in the Rafflecopter form below and POOF!  You’re in to win!
Contest open to US residents only, no P.O. Boxes please.  Entries accepted through midnight May 23rd, 2014.  Winner will be drawn/contacted within 24 hours and have 48 hours to respond with their full name and mailing address for prize send out.  If no response is received in the given time frame, a new winner will be chosen.


Special thanks to Danielle over at Walden Pond Press for the chance to participate in this tour.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their growing catalog, be sure to stop by their official site, like them on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.  This title was released the end of last month, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf near you.

Until next time….GOOD LUCK…and happy reading!

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