Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Dinotek Adventures book 3, The Secret Dinosaur by N.S. Blackman

Hi gang!
Welcome back to another day here in the land of books, books, and MORE books....Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're taking a step back into the land of Children's Fiction with the third and final installment of an amazing dinosaur type adventure fit for both guys and gals of just-beginning-to-read age to somewhere more into adulthood.  Straight from Dinosaur Books Ltd, London it's today's book of choice.... 

N.S. Blackman

They’re BAAACKKK…and there’s danger afoot!
We begin where we ended…book 2 that is…at our new home on Jurassic Mountain.  Everyone has found a place to call their own, even our little leading man, Marlin Maxton.  Problem is…despite their fondness for Marlin, a land of the past, even filled with cutting edge living cybertronic dinosaurs, is no place for a human boy.  He needs his human friends, he needs his family, and the world at large needs his influence as well.  A kind heart may get trampled on from time to time, but it DOES have an impact on the bigger picture.  So, it is with much sadness in their metal hearts that the Dinoteks do the “right” thing and let their young friend go…but not for long…  *dun dun dunnnn*

That’s right!
It’s another adventure with the Dinoteks and if you have no earthly clue of the fabulous creatures I’m talking about, you best click on over to my review of the first two installments.  Just sayin’…  ^_^  Anywho, they ARE indeed back and just as much havoc follows in their giant footsteps, through no fault of their own of course.  It’s all the nefarious doings of Mr. Grubbler and Howard H. Snickenbacker.  *cue dire music*  No worries, though; Marlin is on the case.  He’s not about to let his friends fall into their greedy, merciless hands…even if he has to take on the whole lot of diggers and mechanical what-nots himself.  (Don’t worry, he’s not completely alone…and there’s even a SURPRISE addition to the group!  Someone familiar and yet new.  You’ll see…or rather read.)

In my book, this final (or is it?) installment of the Dinotek series does not disappoint.  It delivers a continuation on an evolving story without time gaps or uncertainties, perfect for beginning readers as well as those well on in years.  It allows little ones to expand upon their reading skills and vocabulary while still giving their imaginations a work out.  It lets older readers enjoy a romp with DINOSAURS again and yet in a NEW way.  The author balances fact with fiction, marvel with menace, very well in my opinion and made this an enjoyable read through and through.  Recommended for those readers just starting out and those that may have read a book or twenty; as long as you have imagination and a bit of free time that needs filling, this book, nay SERIES, will easily find a home on your shelf.

Surprise review copy received courtesy of Sonya McGilchrist.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this installment as well as the complete Dinotek series, be sure to stop by the official site or follow along on Twitter!  This title is available now via Dinosaur Books, London, so be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf or online retailer near you…but you know, it’s always best to start with book 1 when given the choice.  *hint hint*

Until next time…happy reading!


  1. Definitely a book my great-nephew (3) would love as like many boys this age he really loves his dinosaurs.

  2. I'm reading this for review very soon! Haven't read your review yet ^o^ Wanted to say hi *waves* and agree this is a fun series.
