Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Toothless Tooth Fairy by Shanelle Hicks

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when searching for something to soothe your bookish soul after a long hard week.

Today, we're highlighting a Children's Ebook that was brought to my attention recently that shares a pretty cool message in a most interesting way. It's geared towards little girls who are just trying to find their footing in life..and are constantly being bombarded with messages of what “true beauty” really is. Now don't get me wrong, we've moved ahead in today's society by leaps and bounds, but still in all, we've got a ways to go. That's where books this this come into play and before I divulge any more of my thoughts on the matter, please allow me to introduce today's book of choice...

Illustrated by
Anca Delia Budeanu
Mirror Publishing

Picture it.
The day of the Miss Tooth Fairy Smile Contest has FINALLY arrived and with all your primping and prepping, you're reaching for the win...especially if you were named Bella and had perfect hair, perfect teeth, and beauty beyond compare. (Same old message, I know....wait for it though.) Life was great to be Bella, but it was made even sweeter by her MOST beautiful trait, something of which I've not yet mentioned but that makes her shine brighter than the newest penny on a summer day.

Yep, that's right.
Her KINDNESS...and the beauty that is THIS book is made THAT much greater by the fact that this is what will save the day. THIS is what will push her to the top in the eye's of the judges, whether she actually wins or not is another story. THIS is what will come most handy when jealously rears its ugly side...and guys and gals, suffice it say it greats pretty darn ugly. Try taking the green eyed monster analogy and bringing it to the outside of a this case, it's one tooth fairy named Zelda. She has a plan to make it to the top, even if it is devious, and unbecoming of a tooth fairy to the highest degree. All I can say is we reap what we sow...a lesson Zelda learns in spades...and that kindness, the turning of the other cheek, can bring bigger rewards to us and others in the end...thank you Bella for the insight.

To conclude our flight of fancy, I enjoyed this little romp on Cloud Nine. The characters can certainly teach a thing or two to little ones, while entertaining them visually with the bright colors and fantastical tale. The moral of the story...short and sweet but right on the money for today's generation and beyond.

Special thanks to author Shanelle Hicks for the ebook for review as well as the chance to share this story with all of you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title as well as her future works, be sure to click through the links provided.

Until next time....happy reading!

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