Monday, October 27, 2014

Seasonal Fun: Little Boo by Stephen Wunderli

Why hello there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place that's always ready to turn the next page, and the next, and the next, and the....

Today, we're celebrating the season with a book choice that's fit for girls and boys of all ages.  It's a storybook adventure that shares more than just the spooky spirit of the month but a lesson in patience, trust and belief.  So grab your Fall sweaters and boots, we're heading to the pumpkin patch for today's book of choice is....

Stephen Wunderli
Illustrated by
Tim Zeltner
Henry Holt and Company

This is the story of a tiny seed that wants to be so much more.  He dreams of being out in the swirling winds, experiencing the world on his own, while spookily scaring all those he meets.  Unbeknownst to him, he has a bit of growing up to do first; after all, it's what he'll finally become that puts the fun chill in Halloween.  Though he's impatient, he puts his trust in the wise wind.  He grows and grows, asking again and again if he's ready, until one day, his "boo" grows to the PERFECT size and he's able to put the spook in spooky as he's long dreamed.

It's a wonderful tale of life and growing up twinged with the seasonal joys we experience from those orange wonders....pumpkins, or in this case jack-o-lanterns.  It speaks of having patience and trusting in what's to come, believing you can do anything you set your mind to if you only give it the time it needs to be reached.  I love how the wise wind was like a mother to our "little boo", never leaving him without a word of encouragement or breeze of understanding.   The adored the illustrations that accompanied each scene taking us from tiny to "finally" and everywhere in between.  Their whimsy and wonder reach out from each page with a color palette perfect for the seasons it depicts.  

All in all, a fine addition to anyone's personal library but a perfect fit for the time of year.  Little ones will be encouraged by "little boo" as he makes his way from small to tall while older readers will be reminded of the simple things Autumn brings.

ARC for review courtesy of the fab team at MacMillan Children's Publishing Group.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their growing catalog, be sure to stop by their official site, or connect with them on Twitter.  This title was released earlier this year, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

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