Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Monsterator by Keith Graves

Why hello there.
Welcome to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers, the site that’s not afraid to get a little creepy, a little kooky, and have a whole lotta Halloween type fun…because you know, IT’S FUN! 

Today, we’re dialing straight into a title that allows readers not only an eye catching show and an imaginative adventure, but a hands on portion too!  It comes to us from MacMillan Children’s Publishing Group and seats itself well in the Storybook genre with plenty of creativity to spare for both the young and young at heart.  To me, it’s a perfect fit for the time of year but in reality, it works whenever the mood strikes because really…monsters are good anytime… *gulp* … right?  Before my nose grows like Pinocchio, because who REALLY has control over how good or not good a monster will be BUT the monster itself, let’s meet today’s ghastly guest and book of choice….

A Neal Porter Book, Roaring Brook Press

About the book…

When he entered a dusty costume store,
one that he hadn't seen before
He got what he'd bargained for . . . and more.
Enter the Monsterator if you dare.
Put a coin in the slot . . . but beware!

(….dun dun dunnnn…)


Ah yes.  Young Master Edgar Dreadbury is our guide through this curious read about a costume store that wasn’t, a machine that’s never been seen, and a SURPRISING outcome you nor I could have predicted.  Let us just say it spells dire straights for our young sir…however he takes to it rather well if you ask me.

I love both the concept AND the delivery of this story.  First off, a machine that can do all that?  Tre cool!  But um….yeah, I won’t be getting into it anytime soon.  No siree.  Edgar’s desire to out costume his previous selections and those boring options available to him currently , is genuine and perhaps sympathized with by fellow dresser-uppers.  *raises hand* Second, the interactive aspect of the book if too much fun for not only are you invited to find all the monsters within but you get to CREATE them at book’s end!  Yep.  You read that right.  YOU, the reader, get to turn Edgar (and the author…at least in my ARC edition!) into whatever monster you can fathom with the turn of a quarter page segment.  I admit, I had more fun with this than probably intended for my age group but you know what, if you have imagination, don’t hide it, flaunt it!  Thirdly, the illustrations are superb and fit perfectly with the story.  You move forward through the story page by page and image by image with bursts of color and shades of darkness.  You get the creep and the fun all in one!

In conclusion, a fabulous choice for any reader’s library and a perfect fit for the season that can be enjoyed by all ages, shapes, sizes, species, etcetera, etcetera.  The possibilities are endless and the enjoyment factor dialed up to high making this one receive high marks in all categories.  So….whom among you are daring enough to step inside The Monsterator?  Or at least give it a read?  ^_^ 


ARC for review courtesy of Ksenia at MacMillan Children’s Publishing Group.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their ever growing catalog of wonders, be sure to check out their official site, or follow along on Twitter.  This title was released August 2014 via Roaring Brook Press, an imprint of MacMillan Children’s Publishing group, so seek thee out a copy at your local bookstore or an online retailer of your choosing. 

Until next time…happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Loving that this can be enjoyed by all ages, shapes, sizes and species. Perfect for all those little monsters out there then.
