Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fairytales BEWARE: Snitch & Sneer Hit the Hood by Julia Dweck

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're taking a look at the latest release from Sleep Sheep Productions and author Julia Dweck.  That's right!  She's back and bringing the humor in the first volume of an all new series for readers of all ages.  Ready to take the plunge?  Here we go!  Ladies and gents, get ready to meet our fun-yet-crazy hosts for this trip through Fairy Tale Land and today's eBook of choice...
Fairytale Crashers, Volume 1
Illustrated by
Daryll Collins
Sleepy Sheep Productions
Once upon a time,  There was a little girl who ADORED wearing red.  She loved it SO very much that they called her Little Red Riding Hood...whether or not it was her color was debatable though.  So goes the story of Snitch and Sneer crash landing in their first Fairytale Land adventure.  With as much humor as can be mustered (and let's face it, that's A LOT of humor), they reveal the story of Little Red for what it truly imaginative tale for certain, but fraught with much absurdity.  Hey, it's not truly my statement, the author says as much at the close!  If you really think about it though, I mean REALLY dig into it, it is pretty hard to believe.  Who is really going to mistake their Grandma for a wolf?  Why on earth does the wolf want to wear old granny clothes just for another meal?  Of course we can always start with the obvious question of how in the world of make believe is the wolf TALKING to begin with....but that's beside the point, we are in the land of imagination after all.
As we skip merrily through the epages, one can't help but love the sarcasm, chuckle at the whit employed, and smile at each bright and cheery animated drawing.  From Little Red's outrage of a BLUE hoodie being suggested for her wardrobe to Grandma's outrage at missing out on her lottery check (don't ask, just read!), each page is depicted in an almost comic book panel styling works!  You can follow the flow of the story accurately while taking in all the details and subtleties utilized in bringing the underlying FUNNY out of this story.  Bookmarks up to both the author and illustrator on a job well done!
ARC eBook for review received courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her other works, the publisher, or the illustrator, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is becoming available as we speak in eBook form with the paperback book following soon, all via Sleepy Sheep Productions.  Want to reach out to Snitch & Sneer with your questions or comments?  Visit them on FACEBOOK and while your there, don't forget to enter to win an S&S T-shirt (one of which will be given out randomly over the next two months!).  Be sure to keep an eye out for the next release coming soon, entitled Storm the Castle!  Can't wait to see what this duo has to say about THAT one...
Until next time...happy reading!

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