Wednesday, March 18, 2015

REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE: Glamorous Garbage by Barbara Johansen Newman

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're sliding on over to the Storybook category for a little reduce reuse recycle fun.  It comes to us via Blue Slip Media (~waves~) from an author who's known for her colorful works filled with messages good for the soul.  We've met  her once upon a time when we checked out her AMAZING collection of Glamorous Glasses, and we're about to discover a whole new world of fabulosity that's all about using what you've already got in a whole new way.  Ready freddy?  Here we go!  Today's book of choice is...


At first sound, the title isn't necessarily something that screams WONDERFUL READ AHEAD.  I totally hear you on that one, but take one look at the cover with Bobbie and Joanie peering out at you and you'll be SOLD!  

This wonderful duo is back again and ready to shine a light on a whole new world of fun...UP-cycling!  Perhaps you've heard of it?  Well, if so...great, you'll be ahead of the curve.  If you haven't, then get ready to have your eyes opened to a whole new world of creativity.  It all begins with the discovery that Bobbie's room isn't just "comfortable", it's downright cluttered.  Now, we're not talking about being ready for an episode of Hoarders, but at the rate she was going, it would get there eventually.  ~eyes own room of book mountains~  Joanie nudges her enough to take action, and action turns into...a bigger case of clutter catastrophe.  It literally takes Joanie walking out on her one day for her to realize the project was bigger than herself.  Seeking reinforcements, she calls upon dear old Mom and together they sort things through, come up with a solid plan, and execute it to a WONDER-FILLED end.

The combination of story and lively illustrations makes this an approachable read for all ages with a message that couldn't be more timely.  In this day and age, reduce-reuse-recycle is not simply for the aging hippies or trendy set, but the world twice over.  We've finally reached a stage where people on a LARGER scale are joining in the "save the world" hubbub and by up-cycling things that might have otherwise been discarded completely, they get to live a whole new life (that's not even mentioning the fact that it can be so much FUN to do!).  So, what will you re-purpose today?  If you need some ideas, this amazing duo is ready to help!  Just check out the site for some ways to get started!

Special thanks to Barbara and Sarah at Blue Slip Media for the review copy as well as the chance to bring this title to you!  (THANKS!)  For more information on this promotion, those on the horizon, the publisher, the author, or even ways that YOU can join in the up-cycling fun, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title was released just this month via Boyds Mills Press, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Gina, thank you so much for such a lovely review of Glam Garbage! I think you perfectly recapped the story to a tee. Here's a little inside info: once again Bobbie'"tendencies" mirror my own; I am a total collector and I could, if left to my own devices, live oblivious to the clutter around me. With regard to the re-use part of the story, I am finally digging out from under the most snowy winter EVER in Boston (yes, we did set a new record), so I made my first trip to the Re-use-it shed at my own town dump yesterday. I will be blogging about it later today.

    1. How wonderful! The story reflecting you only makes sense...we write what we know or have a personal connection to THAT much easier and with fantastic results. Thanks for stopping by! I'll be sure to look for that blog post.

  2. With re-cycling and up-cycling all the rage it sounds like this is a topical read as well as a fun one.
