Saturday, May 9, 2015

Storybook Saturday: Nanny and Me by Florence Ann Romano

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we are exploring a read that reminds me of Mary Poppins.  How so?  Well, I suppose it’s the simple fact that it deals with Nanny’s and as much as she was magical, mysterious, and wonderful, so is the truth of their world.  So come with me as we discover the role of the Nanny from the eyes of youth.  Today’s book of choice is….

Nanny and Me
Illustrated by
Sydni Kruger

This is a peek inside the mysterious world of the Nanny.  It takes things from the children’s point of view and offers us a magical, imaginative adventure as we explore a day in the life of.  I can easily see it being used to reassure little ones that while Mommy and Daddy are away, the Nanny is here to play!  She (or he, because let’s face it…today’s world offers this option to BOTH sexes) will feed them, care for them, teach them things, play games, read them stories, tuck them into bed and basically fill in as their “special friend” until it’s time for Mommy and Daddy to return.  It reminds children that it’s not a sad time before or after but an in-between time to be filled with adventures and love.

I’m not certain how many of you out there reading this will have any firsthand experience with a Nanny, either personally or caring for your own children, but I respect the profession nonetheless.  It can’t possibly be easy to care for another’s child in a one on one environment without growing attached only to know that one day, they will be grown and your services will have to be put to use in another’s household.  The transition for the children (on my side at least) would seem less painful than that of the Nanny but then again, if you’ve done it for years, perhaps it gets easier and you’re able to separate the two.  More power to you Mary Poppins’ of the world! Moving forward…

Author Florence Ann Romano

This being a storybook, I would be remiss if I failed to mention the illustrations.  The images literally GLOW off the page lending the story an additional layer of warmth and friendliness to spare.  Mommy and Daddy are shown in a caring light as are the activities that keep them busy during the day in order to provide for their family.  The Nanny is shown equally friendly and bright as she takes her little charges here and there, to and fro, and makes certain they have a wondrous day.  When their imaginations take flight at bedtime, you can’t help but get caught up in the castle among the marshmallow clouds.

Recommended read for all ages but perhaps especially those that experience this world first hand.  As I said, it could definitely be used to help explain who the new addition to the family is as well as lay to rest any fears of parents leaving for any reason other than necessity.  With wonderful illustrations and a story that plays itself out nicely, it’s a great addition to any library, personal, classroom, or community.

Special thanks to Angelle at JKS Communications for the review copy as well as the chance to share this work with all of you.  (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, or future promotions, please feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title just celebrated its book birthday this week, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time…happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Yes caring for another's children is taxing. It is not always possible to please the parents by doing things their way. this sounds like a great book and teaching guide kudos author
