Tuesday, June 9, 2015

HI-YAH! Book Birthday Celebration for Ninja Bunny by Jennifer Gray Olson

Hi gang!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're throwing a HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY celebration for a Children's Picture Book that's hitting shelves as we speak, or rather as you read.  It stars a precocious little fuzzy forest critter that is determined to make it on his own...in the way of the NINJA!  So, grab your shinobi and steel your courage!  It's time for today's book of choice...

Jennifer Gray Olson
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers

With a HA and a HI-YAH!
This is one bunny who means business.
He is prepared to take on the world following the ancient ways of those set before him.  No, not of bunny kind mind you...he has loftier aspirations.  To become one with the ways of the ninja.  Can't be done you say?  Well, he's ready to bet his cutesy little cottontail he can and he has his trusty book on 'How to be a Super Awesome Ninja' to guide him through.

Every rule he needs is in there to train himself to be one with nature, to blend into his environment, to achieve the stealth of a leopard and the speed of a cheetah....and to take on any foe, anywhere, anytime, by...him...self.  Even this BIG OLD GRIZZLY BEAR that just happened upon him...*gulp*  Don't worry kiddos, he's not really alone.  He discovers that while the practices of the ninja are for some and a life of solitude can be gratifying, he's much better suited to be among his friends who've always got his back.

I absolutely LOVED this adorable and adventurous story!  While making sure little ones (and wee ones at heart!) walk away with a reminder that doing things for oneself is grand, but on your friends you can depend, you are also treated to a visual buffet of awesome-ness.  The sparsely illustrated pages add to the feel of aloneness, while the bunny populated ones show the numbers in which his friends come when needed.  The add in puffs of words (such as HI-YAH and UH-OH) add further action and smiles to the scenes as he makes his way through some precarious situations in his ninja training.  There's not a soul that won't be lightened by this funny and fuzzy tale, nor a bunny walking away without some new skills.  Recommended for readers of all ages, boys, girls, and bunnies alike. 


About the author/illustrator....

Jennifer Gray Olson is a graduate of California State University, Fullerton, where she earned her bachelor of arts degree in art education. She is a glassblower and sculptor. In addition to writing and illustrating, Jennifer is also the co-coordinator of the SCBWI Orange County/Riverside/San Bernardino illustrators’ schmooze. She lives in Southern California with her husband, two boys, and baby girl. Learn more about Jennifer and view her illustrations at JenniferGrayOlson.com.


Special thanks to Cassie at Random House Children's Books for the review copy.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, please feel free to click through the links provided above.  Remember, this book is celebrating its BOOK BIRTHDAY TODAY, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...HI-YAH....and happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Aah how totally lovely children's books are. I think its wonderful that writers care enough to remember the future of our world-children. Adults enjoy them too I know I do
