Monday, September 7, 2015

BLOG TOUR: Treasured by Thursday by Catherine Bybee - SPOTLIGHT + GIVEAWAY!

Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to the place that aims to please the bookish soul in you, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're starting the week off right by shining the BOOK SPOTLIGHT on a title that's ready to walk down the aisle...quite literally.  The star is the seventh and final book in The Weekday Brides series but I am told that it works rather well as a stand alone too.  Ready to read all about it?  Then let's get the BLOG TOUR party started as we welcome, today's book spotlight title...

Treasured by Thursday
The Weekday Brides Series, Book 7
Catherine Bybee
Montlake Romance

About the book...
The seventh and final tale in the dazzling, heartwarming, and pulse-racing Weekday Brides series.

Gabriella Masini: She’s a woman haunted by her past, with the scars to prove it. She believes that fairy tales are for other people. An elite matchmaker at Alliance, she’s great at crunching numbers, but something doesn’t add up with her latest prospective client: a billionaire bad boy with his own secrets. When Gabi refuses to be his temporary wife, Hunter forces her hand with an offer she can’t refuse. But marriage to a man like that could never last…or could it?

Hunter Blackwell: Only his bank account is bigger than his ruthless ability to obtain anything he wants. These days, he has a secret reason to settle down, at least for a while—and he thinks the sensual and sassy Gabi will fit the bill perfectly. But when their marriage of convenience becomes downright dangerous, Hunter must decide how far to take his vow to honor and protect Gabi forever.



Sounds like BOTH parties have something to hide!  But why?  Whose secret is more threatening?  What's with the life or death nature of the secret?  Are lives literally in danger or just their reputations?  Curious minds want to know!

On the other hand...
...I am rather in love with that cover; though it seems rather at odds with the tranquility and nervous butterflies it represents in my own mind (with a glimpse of what one can only assume is a gorgeous dress!), when sitting side by side with the synopsis.  Curious indeed.

Well, one thing is for certain, it sounds like a great read in the making.  Will it be on your wish list?  Do tell!  If you need a little more convincing though, we've got you covered.  Time to take a little peek between the pages...


~ ~ ~ EXCERPT ~ ~ ~

“I think we should talk about what’s going on here.”

She swallowed. “We’re cooking.”

“Gabi, look at me.”

She shook her head, taking the coward’s way out. If she noticed the lock of hair falling into his eyes a second time, she might have to push it back in place.

“Gabriella?” The smooth texture of his voice was like chocolate on her tongue.

His sticky hand tucked under her chin and forced her to meet his gaze.

He stepped closer, his frame molding to hers and pressing her back against the counter.

She couldn’t breathe.

His thumb traced her bottom lip. “This is a bad idea,” he mumbled her thoughts.

She nodded. “Very poor choice.” Her hands gripped the side of the counter to keep from touching him.

Hunter sucked in a deep breath. “You smell like flowers.”

“I’ll change my shampoo.”

He started to dip his head and she kept talking. “Something musky, so you won’t notice me.”

“I don’t think that’s going to work.”

He was close enough to catch the scent of mint on his breath. “I don’t even like you.” One of her legs lifted and rubbed against one of his.

“I don’t trust you.” His hand moved from her lip the side of her neck.

“You blackmailed me.”

“You tricked me into cooking with your mother.”

She smiled. “The two hardly compare.”

Instead of dropping his lips to hers, he detoured to the side of her neck and kept talking, his breath brushing her skin. “Have you met your mother?”

“That’s sill—”

His lips found her neck.

She moaned and closed her eyes. Such a deliciously bad idea.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

About the author...

New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bybee was raised in Washington State, but after graduating high school, she moved to Southern California in hopes of becoming a movie star. After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban emergency rooms. She now writes full-time and has penned the Weekday Brides Series and the Not Quite Series. Bybee lives with her two teenage sons in Southern California.  



Special thanks to author Catherine Bybee and her talented assistant Crystal for the inside scoop on this new(ish) release.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the series, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.  Just can't wait to get your hands on it...and perhaps a little more?  Wish granted!

Seeing as this is a tour aka book par-tay, what better way to make the celebration memorable than by having an AMAZING GIVEAWAY!  Your chance to win is a Rafflecopter form away, but first, allow me to enlighten you about the prizes up for grabs....

(1)  $100 Amazon Gift Card
(1)  print box set of THE WEEKDAY BRIDES series
(2)  $20 Amazon Gift Cards

The only catch?  
So, what are you waiting for?  Go, go, GO!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Until next time...happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Loving the cover, those flowers are beautiful, but I'm afraid that's as far as it goes with me as this book simply doesn't appeal. Still each to their own, I'm sure my sister-in-law would love it.
