Wednesday, October 7, 2015

BLOG TOUR: The Sparrow Sisters by Ellen Herrick - SPOTLIGHT!

Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to the place that aims to please the bookish heart in you, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

For those of you wondering, the staycation has ended.  ~tear~ It was great to have a break from work and very smile-inducing to return today to happy faces and cheers of "welcome back".  I do admit to missing the team (okay, some of them...what?! Don't judge me!) and feeling like I'm contributing on some small level, but it's not my heart's calling so I'll always be divided.  Anywho, on to more exciting things like today's feature...

In the spotlight today, we have a Fiction title currently on tour with the fab folks at Pump Up Your Book.  If you haven't checked out their work previously, I highly suggest you get on don't want to miss this PR train.  Back to the work at hand, the featured title is one that I instantly added to my wish list, but alas, have not the time to read at the moment.  (Patience is a virtue...patience is a virtue....all good books shall be read by those who wait....)  Do I think YOU should suffer because of my overindulgent reading calendar?  That would be a big fat NO from me.  ^-^  So, here we are, and her we go!  Today's BOOK SPOTLIGHT shines on...

Ellen Herrick
William Morrow
Genre: Magical Realism/Fantasy
Format: Kindle/Paperback
Pages: 384

About the book...
With echoes of the alchemy of Practical Magic, the lushness of Saving CeeCee Honeycutt, and the darkly joyful wickedness of the Witches of East End, Ellen Herrick’s debut novel spins an enchanting love story about a place where magic whispers just beneath the surface and almost anything is possible, if you aren’t afraid to listen.

The Sparrow Sisters are as tightly woven into the seaside New England town of Granite Point as the wild sweet peas that climb the stone walls along the harbor. Sorrel, Nettie and Patience are as colorful as the beach plums on the dunes and as mysterious as the fog that rolls into town at dusk.

Patience is the town healer and when a new doctor settles into Granite Point he brings with him a mystery so compelling that Patience is drawn to love him, even as she struggles to mend him. But when Patience Sparrow’s herbs and tinctures are believed to be implicated in a local tragedy, Granite Point is consumed by a long-buried fear—and its three hundred year old history resurfaces as a modern day witch-hunt threatens. The plants and flowers, fruit trees and high hedges begin to wither and die, and the entire town begins to fail; fishermen return to the harbor empty-handed, and blight descends on the old elms that line the lanes.

It seems as if Patience and her town are lost until the women of Granite Point band together to save the Sparrow. As they gather, drawing strength from each other, will they be able to turn the tide and return life to Granite Point?

The Sparrow Sisters is a beautiful, haunting, and thoroughly mesmerizing novel that will capture your imagination.

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Sorry, not sorry.
Whether or not one of my favorite authors was mentioned or their delightful first novel...
Whether or not another book/film was name-dropped that I do happen to like as well....
Whether or not someone recommended this to me or not...
....I do believe this book and I would have found our ways to each other.

It sounds like a remarkable read with characters that are equally charming and magical.  I love the hint of other-worldliness that I can feel coming right from the synopsis as well as the simplistic yet intricate nature of the cover.  There are a million things to love just from the anticipation of what's in store but instead of my supposing about what those might be, I invite YOU to check it out yourself and report back to me.



About the author...

Ellen Herrick was a publishing executive in New York until she moved to London for a brief stint; she returned nearly twenty years later with three grown children (her own, it must be said). She now divides her time between Cambridge, Massachusetts and a small Cape Cod town very much like Granite Point.



Special thanks to Tracee at Pump Up Your Book Tours for the chance to bring this title to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, or those tours on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via William Morrow, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.  Don't forget to check out the other stops on the tour such as yesterday's stopover at Kaisy Daisy’s Corner  and tomorrows at The Book Bag

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Hmm, not convinced that comparisons with other books is always helpful.'With echoes of the alchemy of Practical Magic, the lushness of Saving CeeCee Honeycutt' (I can't say anything about the third book because I have read it) but I'm afraid these titles don't inspire me to read this. Thankfully however the cover (yes I know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover) and synopsis tell a different story making this a book I'd like to read.

    1. Not sure if Practical Magic would be your cup of tea but SAVING CEECEE HONEYCUTT was a sweet Southern lit read. Agree with cover judging though...sometimes that's the only thing left if you know nothing else.

  2. I've recently seen the cover and didn't know what the book was about. I'm thrilled to have learned about it here. :) Sounds like a nice read. Thank you!

  3. Welcome back you and your fine review h as been missed I thank you for the heads up and I'll give it a try
