Thursday, January 7, 2016

Oh where, oh where is the Insatiable Reader?

Image result for girl waving emoji

Right here!
Sort of...

You may or may not have noticed yet that the actual reviews this month and the beginning of next are a bit lighter, as in more promos, spotlights, teasers, and the like.  That's because I'm actually in the middle of a super secret but UBER AMAZING project...better known as the 2015 Cybils Awards!

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So, what are the Cybils?
I'm glad you asked.

The Cybils in name are Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards.  What that means is that they are online awards given by bloggers for the year's best in children's and young adult titles.  Their mission... "to recognize the children’s and young adult authors and illustrators whose books combine the highest literary merit and popular appeal. If some la-di-dah awards can be compared to brussels sprouts, and other, more populist ones to gummy bears, we’re thinking more like organic chicken nuggets. We’re yummy and nutritious."

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Psst!  Guess what?
Little ole me was selected as a Round 2 judge this year in the Young Adult Fiction category!  Yes, I am very excited and currently reading through the SEVEN titles that made it to the finals.  My thanks to the Round 1 judges as they had no easy task!  So, I betcha want to know what titles made it through?  Well you can read all about them over on the award site, but I'll give you a quick glimpse in no particular order...

Image result for all the rage courtney summers       Image result for dumplin   Image result for every last word

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Curious collection, right?
This will be my first read through for EACH ONE of these titles and since it IS a contest of sorts, no spoilers of my reactions, feelings, or anything else may be shared except with my fellow least until the results are out.  ^-^

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So, if you stop by the site and see something other than what you thought you might or perhaps even a skipped day or so, don't worry!  I haven't fallen off the planet, been whisked away to Forks, or received my letter to a particular school of witchcraft and wizardry (DARN!).  I'm merely lost between the pages and conversations, trying to give my all in support of the grand tradition that the Cybils have become.

Until next time...happy reading!