Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Nicky and the Fairy Named Anika by Loren Bukovka

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're going on a journey through childhood filled with all the ups and downs life can bring. It's a story that reminds us to never lose sight of our dreams, no matter how big or small they or we might be. With a colorful cast of whimsical characters, it reaches out for an audience of older children but is perfectly presentable for your YA or adult reading group. Ready or not, here comes today's  book of choice...

Image result for nicky and the fairy named anika

Loren Bukovka
CreateSpace Independent Publishing

About the book...
This is the story of Nicky Hanniky, a young poet who gets taken to fairy land and has so many interesting adventures she forgets to be sad about her Grandma’s death. Featuring gracious fairies, singing gnomes, and galloping unicorns, this fairy tale is suitable for kids aged 10 to infinity, including grown-ups who wish to revisit fairy land, and romp once again in the forests of friendship and dreams that never die.


"'Never too old to have an imagination,' Grandma Vee would say...." (pg 7) 
...yes, I would have to agree.

This is the story of one little girl's adventures through the magical realm of fairy land, but how and why she ended up there are not nearly as cheery.  You see, she's had a terrible pain inflicted on her by life that's not only affected her spirit, but her very dreams.  All that was within reach, all that was possible, has dulled to a lighter shade of gray, with no hope in sight of pulling out of the doldrums she'd landed in.  Though not normally something to be that afraid of, after all everyone is entitled to their period of mourning, Nicky happens to be spending the summer at camp...a very special camp.  How is it special?  Well you see, it's the place her Grandmother use to come every year, a place that sparked many stories shared from generation to generation about fairies, pixies, unicorns, and dragons.  Of course, it was all written off as the fantastic imagination of someone wishing only to delight and entertain her family, but what if it was something more.  What if they weren't stories but actual adventures?  What if the dangers alluded to in them were just as alive today as they were back then?  What if one moment you're swimming with a newfound friend and the next your being drug to the depths by a creature you wouldn't even imagine in your darkest nightmares?  What if is about to become more than just a supposition...

I must say, the flights of fancy and wonder that abounds throughout the story were definitely a blast.  Can you imagine bouncing on clouds, sliding on rainbows, or exploring the fairy gardens?  How about a unicorn sighting, meeting a gnome, and frolicking in wind that plays with your hair (not tangles but styles)? Yes please...BUT, the darker aspects like the Drowner and the Harpy, you can keep.  *-*  Seriously, they are pretty foul creatures and we haven't even spoken of the dark magic that uses these two for it's own devious purposes!  Let's just say there's a balance in fairy land and without Anika guarding that fine line, it may crash and burn before any fun is had.  Nicky's take on all that is transpiring is quite grown up for her age, yet her reactions feel right in step with the guidance she has received in life.  Her grandmother sounds like she was a blast and it was heartbreaking to watch her struggle with the loss.  I was glad for her making the acquaintance of Anika, despite the circumstances being anything but ideal, and her time in fairy land was as wonderful as gazing at a rainbow...which I now wish I could slide down as well!

Overall, I enjoyed my time in fairy land and meeting all the creatures of lore. Favorites among them, if forced to choose, would have to be Umka, for her cheery spirit and desire to see the best in all, and Anika, for her desire to assist those in need, protect the innocent, and treat others fairly.  The only hang up I had was in regards to the length of the novel.  Originally, it was intended to be a series, but after some rethinking, reworking, and revising, the author decided to remake it as a standalone.  I do have to wonder though if the author's additional efforts on expanding the tale this way were wise.  We're talking a jump from 56K to 86K in word count, equating to 32 new chapters, and some bits felt like they fleshed out a bit too much.  Truth be told, the parts she shared that were cut would have made for other fun adventures in this magical realm, and I think we might have gotten to spend more time with Anika as well as Nicky, deepening that connection for them and us. So, fair readers, there's a question for you to ponder and perhaps respond to.

Recommended read for Children's Fiction fans that enjoy the sweetness of youth, the magic of fairies, and the power of dreams.


About the author...

Loren Bukovka aspires to create fictional universes full of fun and friendship. She sprinkles these with lots of poetry and an occasional unicorn.            


Review copy received courtesy of author Loren Bukovka.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, or the author, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, and what's that...why I do believe you have a space on your bookshelf just waiting for it to call home.

Until next time...happy reading!

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