Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The return of...Taste Testing Tuesdays!

Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to the site that aims to please the bookish side of you, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're indulging in a meme type post that I haven't had the pleasure of featuring for a few months.  What can I say?  So many books, so little time...but it's also what led to today's share.  Currently, I'm reading two books that I'm rather enjoying thus far, and I couldn't wait to share a peek between the pages.  They both herald from the Contemporary Romance genre and both do indeed have at least a sequel if not a series of titles planned to follow.  So, if you'll allow me to introduce today's tasty book teasers...

Image result for to have and to hold, wedding belles

To Have and to Hold
Lauren Layne

Seth leaned forward and held her gaze.  "A man you were in love with - a man you were planning to marry - was lying to you.  For years.  Using you in the worst way possible, pretending to be something he wasn't.  And deny it all you want, but he hurt you."
-- pg 159

Gee Seth...way to hit the nail on the head.

Image result for Linny's Sweet Dream List
Linny's Sweet Dream List
Susan Schild

Linny shook her head as she waved.  Her husband was a pirate, Puck, and King of the Good Ole Boys Who'd Done Well.  He was a rascal, but he practically shimmered with his delight in light.
-- pg 8

Sounds like an interesting mix of a man...too bad I have a glimpse of what happens next to turn this from reality to a fond remembrance.


Image result for reading over someone's shoulder

So, my fair readers...what are YOU reading this week?
Feel free to share a tease from your own reads-in-progress in the comments below!

Until next time...happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gina, thanks for these nice recommendations. I'm reading a middle-grade story about a girl and a fox (MAYBE A FOX), and several books on the creativity business (CREATIVITY INC. & START WITH WHY).
