Monday, July 25, 2016

It's gonna be a COOL, COOL summer with SHORE HOUSE SLUMMING by Carli Palmer!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to another bookish week here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

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It's been a COOL, COOL summer...reading wise at least since the temps have been high 90's to low 100's...and we're keeping you in the pages, adventure after adventure.  Today's selection is a perfect road trip pick as our leading lady happens to go on an unexpected one when her life all of a sudden goes topsy turvey.  It's got laughter, smiles, unfortunate circumstances, and pearls of wisdom...but in order to find out about them, you'll have to keep reading.  Hey, it's no fun if I spoil everything in the intro paragraph!  Pack your bags because today's book of choice is...

Carli Palmer

About the book...
Working as an editor in Seattle, Dana Kline led a happy life. She had great friends, a career she adored, and her health couldn’t be better. But everything about it was mundane and safe. EVERYTHING. No gamble would have made her change her ways, so life was going to change it for her. After an unexpected release from her job and then finding out that she would become practically homeless for the summer, Dana gathered her courage and found herself ready to try a new life in Florida. The only problem was getting herself across the nation on a tight budget, hardly any connections, and an unadventurous self. After many stops along both coast lines Dana finds out that it’s okay to let her hair down, meet new people, and try new escapades. Just as long as her sanity doesn’t fly away with the seagulls.



Dana, Dana, Dana.
What a CRAZY life you least recently.

Image result for florida

Dumped from her job and thrown to the wind like chafe versus seed, she'd blowing about like Dorothy in a windstorm...but there IS hope for her yet.  You see, same said former job had a decent boss-like person and they got her the inside track on a new job.  It's not her dream career, but it could turn into it and all she has to do is...relocate from Seattle to sunny Florida.  *-*  Wait...FLORIDA?  Talk about a ROAD TRIP...and this IS one trip she'll be talking about for many moons to come.

From coastal homes that rival mansions to smaller abodes within city limits, our girl Dana gets a sampling of the real estate setting from state to state on her journey South...and though grateful for the connections each time her circumstances change, she has a penchant for running into trouble.  We've overbearing neighbors she's too polite to deny her company to sorta relatives that really need to get on with the adulting, ex's that don't know the meaning of D-I-V-O-R-C-E to plumbing issues that should have been dealt with BEFORE they became enough to sink the Titanic...and then there's her penchant for finding illegal substances within the property of her temporary homes.  I'd think the whole USA is involved in the drug trade the way Dana keeps stumbling across things!  Good thing, our girl has a funny bone that is quite savvy, allowing her to attempt to shrug off these WAY AWKWARD of many things that I really liked about our lead.  From the opening conversation and encounter with her friend Bella, I knew we'd be fast friends...don't you just love it when you see some of yourself in a character?  By the turning of the final page, we were good friends...I'd certainly invite her to be a house guest...and her changed outlook on life was contagious. 

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With the good, sometimes the not so good must follow; in this case, the drawbacks.  Truthfully, there were only TWO for me.  First up on the block would be the typos, changes in thought, and grammatical errors.  It's something I actually discussed (briefly) with the author (a very gracious soul I might add!) and she did say that the book is getting another look through, but yeah...this edition had its obstacles.  That being said, though annoying from time to time, it did not dillute my interest in the story.  Second and last personal pitfall, the ending.  I know, I know...I should be happy things turned out the way they did for her and my reading journey, but I don't know...I was looking for something BIGGER, something FLASHIER after everything she went through.  I'm glad she reached her final destination without the unfortunate accessory of handcuffs, but I would have liked to see something more.  Enough of that, on to the conclusion!

In the end, it's a story about finding yourself, rolling with the punches that life can throw, and always being ready for an adventure because you just never know when the next one might crop up.  It was great seeing Dana come into her own as the story closes out AND a wonderful detail to include the articles (titles only) she was able to generate from everything that transpired...favorite being 'What to Do When Your Weekend Host has a Drug Problem".  *chuckle*  Yeah, I bet that article was chock full of tips after some of the houses she stayed out.  Guess it suffices to say that if one is staying at another's house, leave the cabinets and stuff that's not yours ALONE.

Recommended read for Chick Lit fans and those simply looking for an interesting summer escape across the USA.


About the author...

Carli Palmer was born and raised in New Jersey. Her first novel was entitled Down The Aisle With Bridezilla. Shore House Slumming is her second novel. Besides writing, Carli is obsessed with coffee, horror movies, and the 80's - she can't get enough of the decade. She is currently working on her third novel. 


Special thanks to Rachel at Smith Publicity, Inc., and author Carli Palmer for the copy for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or those promotions on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, so seek thee out a copy for your own summer road trip experience at on online retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Although this book sounds as if it holds loads of interest and promise the negatives pointed out could make you wonder if it's worth it lets see

  2. I like that you were honest about the book's faults. I'll have to dive into an excerpt to see if I want to invest the time to read it.
