Sunday, August 7, 2016

Garden of Eden: Beautiful Bible Scenes to Color and Inspire

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

I don't know about your neck of the woods, but here we're a bit of melty, drippy fun.  Okay, perhaps not so fun because we're either melting from the CRAZY high temps or drowning in the spin off from a Tropical Storm (both current situations) but that doesn't mean there's no fun to be had.  You just have to look a little closer, a bit outside the box to find the beauty that surrounds, and if need be, take it into your own hands.  Today's book of choice does just that...

9780310759751, Garden of Eden : Beautiful Bible scenes to color and inspire

Beautiful Bible Scenes to Color and Inspire

Here we have 80 pages of coloring fun just waiting for your stroke of inspiration.  No matter what medium you choose, there's beauty to inspire your heart and dazzle your eyes with every turn of the page...

...along with the story of the garden itself!
That's right!  The coloring fun is paired with biblical passages that tell the creation of man and beast, from the glory of the gates... those who live under the deep blue seas, from the swampy bayous to the dusty savannahs.  My favorite were the full fledged garden views, including the infamous tree, as well as the animal portraits, but everyone from tiny critters to Adam and Eve is depicted.  Every page turn takes you deeper within the story, while providing you with another opportunity to share your artistic gifts with the world...or simply de-stress after a long, hard day.

With pages of inspirational images and verse to explore, you're bound to find your inner peace once again while re-centering your focus on the truly important things in life...

...a heart filled with kindness, a giving nature, and love for our fellow man.
Where will your coloring adventure take you?  The sky is the limit and your own imagination the only thing holding you back.  So grab a copy of this spiritually endowed work for yourself, a friend, your loved one, or simply a neighbor in need.  It's a work for all ages that I can easily see being used for a family afternoon of arts and crafts or even a Sunday school group activity to be displayed in the halls. 


Image result for zonderkidz logo

Special thanks to Liane at Zonderkidz for the copy for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

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