Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dragon Courage: Dragon's Future by Kandi Wyatt

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Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

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So, recently I've been reading through a slew of, don't get excited, I haven't switched to the "e" team...and they've all been in one particular genre...Fantasy, or more specifically in this case, YOUNG ADULT Fantasy.  You know, the magical, mystical, wonder-filled worlds inhabited by other beings both past and present, and brimming with adventure!  Yes, THOSE works of fantasy, and today's title is no different.  In fact, it's the FIRST in a series (SIX BOOKS...why did no one TELL ME there were SIX BOOKS!) from this new-to-me author, and I must say...ME LIKEE! ðŸ˜‰ But I digress, far be it from me to twist your arm over any title, but nobody said anything about suggestive persuasion.  Ready a spot on your MUST READ list, here comes today's ebook of choice...

Kandi Wyatt

About the book...
What would you give to soar with dragons?
Every child of Woolpren dreams of being a dragon rider, but few are chosen. Twins Ruskya & Duskya are selected as children to join this elite group, leaving their home and all that is familiar to train for their new lives.
Fast forward fifteen years--dragons are becoming extinct and riders are rare. When Ruskya learns of a plot that could destroy the remaining dragon population, he and his friends must fight for their dragons' future.
Join Ruskya on his quest of courage and friendship in this young YA series being hailed as a thrilling ride.

AMAZON  |  B&N  |  iTunes


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Though admittedly I've not read the series, I liken what I know of it (and saw in the film...don't judge me!) to the Eragon series.  There's the wiser, more world wise dragon rider tasked with teaching the next generation how to ride, care for, and bond with their dragons, as well as learn the finer points of protecting the townspeople, just in case.  Of course, there aren't any ACTUAL attacks to worry about.  I mean not at least for many winters...until now.  The introduction of twins Duskya and Ruskya along with the dragons that just happen to choose them seems to have turned the rider world on its wings.  They possess a natural ability that seems unnatural and one mysterious and vicious rider seems to know just why that is...and wants it for himself.  Imagine that... *smirk* ...of course, knowing and obtaining are two VERY different things and he's gonna have to get through some serious talent if he hopes to even get in range.  Of course, he IS pretty underhanded is essentially his middle name.

Dragons, dragon riders, dragon courage, mysterious riders from another colony, half revealed pasts (what REALLY happened to da?), and obscured futures (what is with this rider and his turquoise dragon?)...the combination of known and unknown balance each other out to provide intrigue so it doesn't simply become a history, but carries on as an oh-so-entertaining-and-enchanting read that I simply could NOT put down!  I had to learn more about Duskya and Ruskya as well as their curious connection that confounds even the most world weary.  When the youngling was introduced with his mysterious healing abilities, I wanted to understand how it was even possible.  Once Carryl joins the group, I had a feeling her status as just a healer wouldn't last long, but watching it unfold was heartwarming.  Learning what REALLY happened in the past eye opening, but seeing just how precariously the future was perched was enough to stop your breath.

Image result for dragon's courage series

So, if you're ready for a highflying adventure filled to the brim with family, magic, dragons, riders, and good vs evil...this is the book for you!  Recommended for Young Adult Fantasy fans in their early teens and beyond; the content is clean and the journey is AMAZING.  What more can I say?


About the author...

Kandi J. Wyatt

Kandi J Wyatt is a wife, mother of five, teacher, artist, and author. In her free time, she enjoys writing fantasy stories and Christmas programs, and drawing with graphite and colored pencils. Portraits are her specialty. Kandi also enjoys photography, thanks to her photographer husband who has let her join his journey as both his model and apprentice, and she occasionally serves as his assistant when he needs a “light stand with feet.”



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Special thanks to Pam at Aurora Publicity for the ebook for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the series, the author, or those promotions on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now in "e" and "tree" form, so seek thee out a copy today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed the book. More about Ruskya and Duskya's link is revealed in Dragon's Heritage.
