Friday, September 29, 2017

The Legacy of Androva: Breaking Magic by Alex C. Vick

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Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

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Can you believe that it's almost October?  I know I sure can't....except that the calendar app on my phone is staring me in the face with today's date because Mother Nature is certainly ignoring any weather changes that should be occuring.  You hear that, Mother Nature!  How about a little cool weather, huh?  Pretty please?!  Anywho...with the (usually) cooler weather comes yet another oh-so-convenient excuse to stay indoors and READ READ READ (or find a lovely spot outside in the brisk cool air...whatever floats your boat).  

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Today's title is yet again from the Fantasy genre (shocking...I know), but hey ho, it's NOT an ebook!  (*happy dance*)  It's actually a book that I received TWO copies of, one initially and another when the book received a cover makeover (my thanks to author Alex C Vick!), the latter of which arrived in a lovely sheer purple bag with a WAX SEALED letter from the author.  (I know!  How cool is THAT?!)  Both were lovely, but I agree the second, new and improved one, certainly makes it stand out....and that's BEFORE we get into the story!  Now, let me say one more thing before we begin, this is the FIFTH book in The Legacy of Androva series....I know, I know, the fifth! Yes, the fifth...but it reads perfectly well by itself.  Cross my heart and well, not really hope the rest, but cross my heart regardless.  Anyway, now that that's settled, let's get on with the review!  Today's book of choice is...

Image result for breaking magic by alex c vick
The Legacy of Androva, Book 5
Alex C. Vick

About the book...
Callax is fifteen, and he already knows he won't ever grow old. Twelve years after leaving the childstation he will be summoned to the Gathering, where life essences are taken by a deadly, irresistible spell. On his world, this is one of the many ways in which the Exta serve the Opta. His best hope is to avoid an early binding by staying out of trouble. 

But in protecting his younger brother Benedar, he was noticed by the Breaker, the evil magician in charge of the Gathering. The closer Callax gets to the ruling house and the girl who lives there, the more he learns, and the greater the danger. A danger he might not understand until it is too late. Callax thinks the Breaker’s defeat will save him, but he is wrong. 

Additional information: Although Breaking Magic is part of the Legacy of Androva series, it can also be read independently. If you have read Controlling Magic and want to know more about Imbera, Breaking Magic is Cal’s story. The book retells part of Controlling Magic from Cal’s point of view. Recommended for lower young adult.



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Magic, danger, love, war, hidden histories, and daunting other words, quite the rush! 

As previously stated, it IS book five in the series, but I got along rather well reading it start to finish.  The author weaves a magical web of wordy wonder all around us as we get to know Cal, his younger brother Benedar, and the rest of the Exta's.  It's not an easy life they live, serving the Opta's in some way or another, but it's stable, dependable, and all ends when they turn eighteen.  What?  Yes, that's all ends by that time.  They never grow old, have to deal with families, jobs (per se), or the aches and pains of aging...but they also never get to experience anything that life has to offer beyond that age bracket nor outside of the controlled environments that they live in.  Can you really even call it LIVING when your every move is pretty much dictated and your future (or rather lack thereof) is controlled by two beings that make you quite literally beg for your life to end?  Yeah...that's the Breaker for you.  He's one mean son of a bootlicker...and the truly SCARY part?  He's just the BEGINNING....

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There is so much going on between these pages that I kept forgetting to update my reading status on GoodReads.  I would just get lost in the story that I'd look up and see oh, look at the last time I mentioned something and well, yeah...reading now.  What can I say?  I LOVED it!  Cal was a much more complex character than he at first seems...the old saying "never judge a book by its cover" definitely applies.  Benedar was annoying at first, understandably so as well, but grew on you for not only his brains but his heart.  It was the unaccounted for connections that really drew you in, the ones that you didn't see coming, while the curious concepts explored kept you pondering just WHAT it all meant, WHY they were all there, WHO was behind it all, and HOW they might escape a fate worse than death!

In the end, it is definitely a work to escape into for a spell...(inside joke)...and, in my humble opinion, a must read!  Though they say "recommended for lower Young Adult" fans, I beg to differ.  While that grouping may enjoy it as well, the world created, concepts involved, and intensity of the plot, lead me to say save it for the higher end of the YA spectrum straight through to adult Fantasy fans. I mean, really...that Breaker dude...whew!  SCARY STUFF...but oh so good! 


About the author...

Alex C Vick author of Stealing Magic

This is me (probably stating the obvious). I'm the author. I've written five books about the Legacy of Androva so far. Book six is on its way and will hopefully be released in early autumn 2017. The stories are contemporary fantasy, aimed at lower YA / upper MG, and I hope that they can be enjoyed by adults too.

Ever since I was old enough to figure out there was probably no such thing as magic, I always (secretly!) hoped it was some kind of mistake. Surely it must exist somewhere? Eventually I decided it must have been lost or forgotten somehow. And that's where the idea for Stealing Magic (the first book) came from.

I live in the South of England with my husband and two daughters. When I'm not at work, or writing about magic, I also enjoy reading and photography.

Finally, I love hearing from readers!  [Connect with me online at...]


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Special thanks to author Alex C. Vick for the signed copies for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the series, or the author, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now as are the beginning books in the series, so seek thee out a copy at your favorite online retailers today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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