Monday, September 25, 2017

You're cordially invited to... THE UGLY GIRL PARTY by Ann Herrick

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

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Today, you're invited to the party of the century by the best looking guys in high school that seem to have nothing but eyes for you...all of a sudden.  Hmm...maybe they simply came to their senses?  Or maybe something other than good intent is at the heart of their invitation.  ðŸ˜‘  Oh boy...or rather BOYS.  What's a girl to do?  Let's find out as we dive into today's ebook of choice...

Ann Herrick
Chaucer Publishing

About the book...
Faith's wish to get off to a good start at her new high school is shattered on the first day, as she quickly discovers that drop-dead gorgeous Hunter and friends decide she lives in the "wrong" house and wears the "wrong" clothes. They systematically harass her and seem determined to make her life miserable. She fantasizes about how she'll get even some day when she is a famous singer/actress, but meanwhile just wants to make it through the day.She meets a couple of possible friends, but finds it hard to trust anyone. 

When maybe-friend Julia tells her about the upcoming talent show, Faith is determined to win in order to impress her tormentors. Then nice-guy neighbor Riley invites her to the homecoming dance. She's excited to go until she gets there and realizes that something is up--something terrible. And when she reacts, she finds herself in danger of being suspended from school. Faith questions her own goals, decisions, and values as she struggles to find her way.



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Alrighty then, let's do the proverbial Cliffs Notes version first, seeing as we ARE dealing with high schoolers...
Interesting overall and it certainly shows the many sides of high school "hi-jinx" (for better and worse), but I had a bone to pick with several characters.  There, now for the nitty-gritty...

That bone I mentioned?  We're talking brontosaurus size.  All I found myself wondering along the way was what in the heck the parentals and authority figures were doing, or rather NOT doing, and why.  What's with her dad's response to what happened?  I mean, shouldn't he have been more supportive?  More interested in finding out what was behind her reactions?  More SOMETHING?  Maybe my Mom was too involved at times, but good grief, this man takes the phrase "taking a backseat" to a new level and moves right into the trunk.  Now about that principal...another "what gives" moment.  I understand he can only do so much with the information he's given, making assumptions based on feelings or perceived problems can lead to trouble, but like all things, this secret found its way into the light...and yet his doled out punishment for the most part sticks?  Faith is a much better person than me because I would have been livid...

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In the end, it was good.  Faith certainly shows us that she can take care of herself and her friends (girl power...yay!) as well as vice versa, but I was beside myself with her support systems' reactions and lack of actions.  I know parenting styles vary, but that part didn't ring true to me.  What say YOU fair readers?  Take a chance and see if you're as ready to kick some teenage butts for their uncouth antics, as well as some adults into action, after this party is thrown.  After all, you've been cordially invited...


About the author...

Ann Herrick grew up in Connecticut, where she graduated from The Morgan School and Quinnipiac University. She now lives in Oregon with her husband, who was her high-school sweetheart. Their wonderful daughter is grown, married and gainfully employed, and has given Ann her only grand-dog, Puff, a bloodhound-rottweiller-beagle mix. While she misses the East Coast, especially houses built before 1900, she enjoys the green valleys, fresh air and low humidity in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Ann loves cats, walking and working in her back yard. In addition to stories and books for children and young adults, Ann also writes copy for humorous and conventional greeting cards.



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Special thanks to author Ann Herrick for the ebook for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or her other works, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now in "e" and "tree" formats, so click on over to your favorite online retailers to snag a copy today.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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