Friday, June 8, 2018

RRR presents... SEARCHING FOR STEVEN by Jessica Redland

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
I don't know about you, but I'm more than happy to close this week out because WHEW!  Life...oye!  What can I really say...between the trials at work, and a bit of bloggy drama, I'm in total need of a vacation.  I wonder if Sarah would mind sharing her Auntie Kay's space for a bit?  Hmm....anywho...

Today, we're joining Rachel's Random Resources for a stop along their current tour featuring a new-to-me Romantic Comedy.  It kicks off the Welcome to Whitsborough Bay series by author Jessica Redland, and if it's any indication of the rest of the trilogy, there is SO MUCH reading fun to be had! Before we go adding additional titles to your wish list and mine, allow me to properly introduce today's ebook of choice...

Jessica Redland
Little Bear Books

About the book...
What if you already know your future… but not the path to take you there?

When Sarah Peterson accepts her Auntie Kay's unexpected offer to take over her florist's shop, she's prepared for a change of job, home and lifestyle. What she isn't prepared for is the discovery of a scarily accurate clairvoyant reading that's been missing for twelve years. All her predictions have come true, except one: she's about to meet the man of her dreams. Oh, and his name is Steven. Suddenly Stevens are everywhere. Could it be the window cleaner, the rep, the manager of the coffee shop, or any of the men she's met online? On top of that, she finds herself quite attracted to a handsome web designer, but his name isn't even Steven... During this unusual search, will Sarah find her destiny?


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A story of one woman's fairy tale come true...or is it?
This one had me in stitches, so yes....Romantic Comedy DEFINITELY fits the bill!  From Auntie Kay's meddling to Sarah's friends with conflicting personalities, her quest for THE Steven to her antics at the shop, I had a BLAST with this one from ecover to ecover.  

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I loved how the author instilled Sarah with both a somewhat practical nature as well as that of a hopeless romantic.  She could see the forest for the trees, or rather the dating pool for the Stevens and the non, but couldn't quite bring herself to let that predicted fairy tale slip away.  Who could really blame her either?  The fantasy was so sweet and her reality thus far hadn't exactly been a bed of roses, at least not without many thorns.  

Can I say something though?  I was totally TEAM NICK from the moment we set eyes on him in Flowers.  (Auntie've got good taste!)  I mean, come on!  The looks with the personality, the kind heart with the sincere much as I loved the idea of the clairvoyant's "story" coming true, I couldn't help but wish she'd left The One nameless to give our girl a bigger pond to swim in.  Does she end up with said love interest?  Sorry...can't say as she is bound and determined to catch her Steven...but if you check out the story on your own, you'll find out, but trust me when I say, it's well worth the read.  

In the end, I gotta say, LOVED IT!  I mean, where else are you going to watch a 30 year old woman play a modern day flip version of  Desperately Seeking Susan...only it's Steven...and make eyes with pretty much every one that crosses her path (well, every Steven that is), sometimes to the point of subtle embarrassment, and yet try try again?  Oh, and let's not forget the wonderfully quirky friends because guess what...their stories are books 2 and 3! make room on your ereader or in your app because it's time to take a trip to Whitsborough Bay that you won't soon forget!

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About the author...

Jessica [Redland] had never considered writing as a career until a former manager kept telling her that her business reports read more like stories and she should write a book. She loved writing but had no plot ideas. Then something happened to her that prompted the premise for her debut novel, Searching for Steven. She put fingers to keyboard and soon realised she had a trilogy and a novella!

She lives on the stunning North Yorkshire Coast – the inspiration for the settings in her books – with her husband, daughter, cat, Sprocker Spaniel, and an ever-growing collection of collectible teddy bears. Although if the dog has her way, the collection will be reduced to a pile of stuffing and chewed limbs!

Jessica tries to balance her time – usually unsuccessfully – between being an HR tutor and writing.


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Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you as well as the ebook for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now in ebook format, so click on over to Amazon to snag your copy today!  Don't miss the other stops on this fabulous tour for more bookish fun...

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, what a lovely review! You've made me grin from ear to ear. I'm so thrilled you enjoyed Searching for Steven. Thank you so very much for participating in his blog tour :-) xx
