Friday, August 3, 2018

TLC Book Tours presents... THE LOVE LETTER by Rachel Hauck!

HI there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're joining TLC Book Tours for a stop along their current promotion featuring the latest release by author Rachel Hauck via Thomas Nelson.  It's a work of Christian Fiction with both a Historical and Romance element running side by side.  All three play rather well together delivering a reading experience that won't wither away from memory like so many yellowed pages in the wind.  

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Speaking of pages, the tale celebrates, among other things, the (somewhat) lost art of letter writing!  Anyone out there actually have (at some time) a pen pal that you actually WROTE to?  *raises hand*  Back in elementary school, sure did...and then again when my family moved way down South and my Northern friends were keeping in touch.  I still remember getting those envelopes from the mailbox and reading the pages with delight...which was only equally matched by joy of penning a response.  Now I know, email is so much faster, and yet there's something about an actual handwritten letter that holds a certain mystique, a certain tangible element of the relationship between those corresponding that makes it a truly magical experience.  But enough about me, let's get to the book!  Today's book of choice and blog tour guest is...

Rachel Hauck

About the book...
Romance has never been actress Chloe Daschle’s forte—in life or on screen. But everyone knows who to call for a convincing death scene . . . and it might be killing her career.

When Chloe is given a peek at the script for an epic love story, she decides to take her destiny into her own hands and request an audition for the lead female role, Esther Kingsley. The compelling tale, inspired by family lore and a one-page letter from the colonial ancestor of scriptwriter Jesse Gates, just might break her out of this career-crippling rut. Jesse would rather write about romance than live through it after his past relationship ended in disaster. But once on-set together, the chemistry between Jesse and his leading lady is hard to deny.

Centuries earlier, in the heart of the Revolutionary War, Hamilton Lightfoot and Esther Longfellow wrote their saga off the silver screen. Esther’s Loyalist father opposes any relationship with Hamilton, but Esther must face her beloved father’s disapproval and the dangers of war in order to convince Hamilton of their future together. Hamilton has loved Esther for years, and on the eve of battle pens the love letter she’s always wanted—something straight from the heart.

Set in stunning upcountry South Carolina, The Love Letter is a beautifully-crafted story of the courage it takes to face down fear and chase after love, even in the darkest of times. And just maybe, all these generations later, love can come home in a way not even Hollywood could imagine.

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It's a story that transcends generations, so deeply embedded in their bloodline that the love found would not let go despite the loss of body and soul. It takes us on a journey from past to present to make-believe, all the while building our hope, strengthening our reserves, and pointing us towards faith in a higher power, instructing us to embrace that endless love and just let it all go, for while our stories are our own, they are guided by the one that created all.

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There are two, nay three story lines that run through these pages...past, present, and the director's cut, so to speak. The present was my favorite, getting lost in Chloe and Jesse's tale as they fought what they felt, while truly trying to open their hurt hearts to one another. You could feel the disconnects, ride the swell of emotion as happier times took hold, and wander through the uncertainties as the ending arrived in all its splendor. The movie angle was my second love, and the way things played out despite the bad influence of the studio was simply stunning. Last place goes to the historical tale being shared, but only just. You see I cared deeply for Esther and Hamilton, but the heartache their tale brought was almost too much to bare...including the conclusion.

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I gotta say, the ending of the true story (the historical one) was absolutely killing me. I mean, I was already thinking... what in the world have I just spent my time reading, allowed my heart to become attached to, only to ultimately be left bereft, adrift, and seriously lacking any benefit from all the torture, separation, and strife?!? I got it, putting trust in Him led to a life well lived, a lot in life that was satisfying, and happiness...but seriously, like that? And they were happy? I just couldn't swallow my disbelief... but lucky for me, the story wasn't quite finished, and a HEA was still in the cards...sorta. (You'll have to read it to see!)

In the end, it was a wonderfully rich story with so much more to offer then just a well written tale. It shared aspects of history worthy of exploration, tales of the heart in times of war and peace, hope for the romantic in us all, and a reminder that we're not the only one behind our wheel. Whether in the highs or throes of life, we're never truly going it alone.

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About the author...

Rachel Hauck is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA TODAY bestselling author of The Wedding Dress, which was also named Inspirational Novel of the Year by Romantic Times and was a RITA finalist. Rachel lives in central Florida with her husband and pet and writes from her ivory tower.

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Special thanks to Lisa at TLC Book Tours for the chance to bring this tour to you and to the Thomas Nelson team for the ARC for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, THIS TOUR, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title celebrated its book birthday June 2018, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.  Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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