Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Bowen Bride by Nicole Burnham

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

You may have heard, I'm not quite back on the proverbial horse (yet), but I'm making strides, or rather taking baby steps every day working towards the bloggy goal on the horizon.  Aiming for some scheduling normalcy this January 2019, but in the mean time....I've FINALLY started reading again!  Hey, that's a big step when you're dealing with all this Hurricane Michael crapioca.  Also for those looking for an update on that situation outside of blogging, yeah...still at a standstill.  No certainty as to when anything will be completed, or even really started for that matter, so yeah...depression is not just a cloudy mass hovering in the corner; it's a daily visitor...but again, that's yet another reason I'm trying to get back into something I LOVE and ADORE...reading and sharing those adventures between the pages.

Today's review came to me via author Emily March's newsletter.  She hasn't had a chance to send any opportunities for reviewing recently, but knew of a new title from a fellow author that she thought her reader set very well may enjoy.  I saw it and thought why not and boy am I glad I did!  Ready, set, read...

The Bowen Bride (Bowen, Nebraska Book 1)The Bowen Bride by Nicole Burnham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Small town romance fan? Oh are you in for a treat! This first installment of the Bowen, Nebraska series delivers all the heart, all the family, all the warmth, all the MAGIC that readers expect and then some.

Katie runs The Bowen Bride, a local bridal shop started by her grandparents, but it wasn't always her dream. Once upon a time, she sought bigger cities, brighter lights, and grander notoriety...but sometimes what we WANT and what we NEED are two different things. It took stepping out of the dream for her to find her heart's true desire...and even that revelation is about to be reevaluated as a second chance at true love comes her way. I adored her character and how she lived with an open heart. True, she protected herself from unnecessary pain, but who could blame her with the sorry excuse for a significant other she had the first time around? Her heart of gold shone through in everything she did and it was simply a matter of time before someone worthy of knowing it saw its shine. Now, speaking of that second chance...

Jared is a single father and locally renowned craftsman, yet despite the life he's built for his family of two, underneath it all, he still battles feelings of inadequacy. You'd never guess it to look at him (and no, we're not simply blinded by his obvious good looks!), but this jack of his trade has a heart bruised as easily as yours or I, yet it also contains the strength to raise his daughter solo, build a good life for them both, and protect them come what may despite what small town looks or gossip may follow him. It'd take a woman of substance, a person of character, someone with a heart of gold (and perhaps a jilted past of her own) to truly GET him...though I'm certain the news of his daughter getting married, he could have done without. I really liked his character as well, for all the obvious reasons and perhaps a few easier to see once you've read the story. He's genuine, doesn't play games, but isn't crass or harsh as the case COULD be. No, he didn't let himself grow bitter from his circumstances, only BETTER...if he could only see that in himself.

What begins as a "partnership" of convenience, gradually turns into genuine friendship with obvious sparks hinting at the possibility for more. The question is...are either of them ready to explore what could be? Readers will enjoy the gentle flirting and smile inducing fun along the way as they dance ever closer to answering that question, while the flash forward at story's end allows for a potential HEA...hey, I'm not spoiling the surprise!

**ecopy received for review

View all my reviews


  1. I'm so glad that theirs is a relationship that develops over time rather than an Instalove which seems to predominate many stories of this genre.

  2. Sorry to hear that everything is at a standstill, but at least you've been able to read a little! I don't read many romances but this sounds like a sweet one. And I agree with Tracy about the instalove...can't stand those!
