Monday, February 4, 2019

RHCB presents... WHEN SADNESS IS AT YOUR DOOR by Eva Eland

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Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

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Today, we're joining a Random House Children's Books BLOG TOUR already in progress for a Children's Picture Book that deals with those ever illusive feelings.  You know them and sometimes love them, but one that often gets overlooked because it's so hard to deal with is SADNESS.  It's not a pleasant topic, but it is a fact of some point, we all get sad...and today's book of choice handles it beautifully.  Ready or not, here comes....

When Sadness is at Your Door by Eva Eland
Eva Eland

This book came at the perfect time for me.  It was just after I had started getting back online after the storm-that-shall-not-be-named and I was just beginning to process my feelings about everything that happened. Grant it, I'm STILL processing, but sadness is definitely one of the multitude of feelings I've become well acquainted with.  

Anyone that's been through any tragedy, natural or otherwise, knows this blue cloud that seems to hover and while adults may have more experiences to draw from in dealing with it, or a larger circle of friends with which to talk it through...children are often going through it for the first time.  Do you remember the first time you were sad?  Do you remember what made you blue, unhappy, down in the dumps, or otherwise?  Chances are no...but at the time, it was your WHOLE WORLD.  Everywhere you went, it followed, and how to shake its grip was beyond your comprehension.  Hopefully, you had a loving family to guide you back to your self, but just think if you had a book like this in your library, or rather if your parents or other adult had it in their arsenal of bookish "weapons".  Well, okay, so I guess I skipped the reason WHY this would be so great....

Between these pages filled with just the right balance of words and images, we see sadness as a "thing" not some invisible phantom.  We learn to acknowledge its presence, to even embrace it to a certain degree, giving it what it needs in order to allow it to one day slip away.  Little ones have a lead character to identify with, and the visual sadness helps them to understand that the feelings they have are not something to be frightened of, but rather something to grow from on their journey to being big boys and girls.


Image result for blue thank you

Special thanks to Emily at Random House Children's Books for the ARC for review as well as the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.  Be sure to check out the rest of the tour going on now throughout the blogosphere!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to see books dealing with these kind of issues. Well done to all concerned, to the writer for writing it, to the publishers for publishing it to the bloggers like you for getting it out there.
