Monday, March 2, 2020

PRE BOOK BIRTHDAY BUZZ: What I Like About Me by Jenna Guillaume!

HI there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're spreading a bit of pre book birthday BUZZ about a NEW Young Adult novel coming soon via Peachtree Publishing!  It's a bit Dumplin' (pageant, girl of normal size, vocal adversaries) with a healthy dose of self discovery, and a dash of romance; in other words, a contemporary story perfect for the age set shouting BE YOURSELF from the top of its literary lungs!  Ready or not, here comes today's title in the spotlight and book of choice...

Jenna Guillaume
Peachtree Publishing
Release Date:  April 2020

About the book...
You know all those movies where teenagers have, like, THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES? This vacation is probably not going to be that.

The last thing sixteen-year-old Maisie Martin thought she’d be doing over vacation is entering a beauty pageant. Not when she’s spent most of her life hiding her body from everyone. Not when her Dad is AWOL and her gorgeous older sister has returned to rock Maisie’s already shaky confidence. And especially not when her best friend starts flirting with the boy she’s always loved. But Maisie’s got something to prove.

As she writes down all the ways this vacation is going from bad to worse in her school-assignment journal, what starts as a homework torture-device might just end up being an account of how Maisie didn’t let anything, or anyone, hold her back.

Jenna Guillame’s American debut features a plus-size protagonist with a compelling, funny, and authentic narrative voice. This relatable and charming novel about friendship, confidence, and self-love will draw readers in as Maisie’s realistic emotional journey unveils the importance of embracing one’s body and celebrating one’s self.


Image result for beauty queen crown

Let's face it...although most media sources would have you believe that everyone is or needs to be a size 5...most aren't.  You know what though?  That's okay.  We're all meant to be different, and the fact that she's a size 4 and that person over there is a size 18 and you hiding in the shadows is a 26...all of that is just numbers.  The beauty of YOU is in not simply your exterior, but your thoughts, actions, and confidence.  Your real beauty may not be measured by conventional standards, but those that choose to measure it and find it not lacking in the least are the ones worth knowing, the ones worth keeping, the ones we call home.

That's the power of this book.  Sure, it's Contemporary YA Lit, but it's got a wider net appeal than simply that audience.  Who couldn't use a reminder that they ARE all that, plus or minus the bag of chips?  I mean, Maisie Martin is definitely the girl to know, as are her new friends (Leila and the cool!), old annoyances (Beamer...*snicker*),  and unexpectedly, her family (yeah, SO didn't think I'd say that especially with the mother and sister issues, but sometimes things aren't what they seem!).  I laughed when she was trying to ward off Beamer's less than subtle advances (well, less than subtle to readers, not so much the heart stricken Maise).  I cringed when I saw exactly what was coming with the ill-fated carnival visit.  I was prepared to do battle when her crush was being such an a**hat, and her mother kept running her down!  Seriously, two words for you....SUPPORT SYSTEM!

In the end, I was so glad to be along for the ride, crazy as it was at times, and ecstatic to see Maisie get what was really coming to her.  It dealt with issues that today's teens (and adults!) deal with all the time, but in a real manner.  It didn't gloss over the tough parts, or let things slide on a technicality either.  It held everyone accountable and put their feet to the fire...even the somewhat favored big sister, before and after the big reveal!  It's not a perfect story, but it's perfectly suited to spread the word that you, yourself are perfect just the way you are.


About the author...

Jenna Guillaume

Jenna Guillaume was the editor-at-large for Buzz Feed Australia, where she wrote about very important things like pop culture, identity, feminism, social media, and Chris Hemsworth’s biceps. Previously, she spent more than half a decade in the features department of Girlfriend magazine, editing the sealed section (yes, all those questions are real), and writing about everything from bullying and body image to bad kisses and boy bands. She was also a contributor to Girlfriend Life Hacks, an essential guide to navigating a girl’s completely-awkward-but-totally-awesome teen years.


Special thanks to Casey at Media Masters Publicity and Peachtree Publishers for the ARC for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, or the publicity team, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available for pre order now, so mark your calendar or click on over to your favorite online retailer today.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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