Sunday, March 19, 2023

BOOK BINGE READING: Eleven Trilogy by Jerri Chisholm - TRIPLE REVIEW!


Hi guys! I'm coming at you tonight with a triple threat via Entangled Teen! Penned by author Jerri Chisholm, the ELEVEN trilogy is in a word... PHENOMENAL!

Eve is a character you grow to love for her grit, for her nerve, for her tightly held dreams, and the tender heart buried beneath all the scars and toughness. She takes no prisoners, and won't be held down by anyone's rules, all while battling the entrapments that make her human. Things like hurt feelings, a desire for something more, a want of freedom, and at her lowest, revenge. I'm not saying there are those that don't deserve her rage, but there are certainly those that don't deserve the chances she gives them.

While Eve is our main character, there are plenty that share the spotlight. Take Wren. He was a Preme, someone from the higher floors, born and bred to be better than the rest, but he pushed back against that dictation. Still...he was someone I was constantly in flux over. I wanted to trust him. I wanted him to be the one for her... and yet, there were always these doubts lingering in the background, rearing their ugly head just when I'd grown comfortable. Then we have her Level 2 friends and fam... some more so than others. (*cough* like the misguided lovesick friend/traitor that I still haven't forgiven *cough*) Her own family was broken for SO MANY reasons, but the family she claimed, helped her be the strong person she was, while keeping what made her human alive. 

ESCAPING ELEVEN (BK 1).... we're building the foundation, getting to know who's who, where they are, why they are, and the impossibility of the freedom of which she dreams. It's a blood soaked battle for survival EVERY DAY below ground, and she kicks some serious butt. Sometimes for the thrill of it, but most often to save someone else. Despite her hard edges, she knows right from wrong.

UNRAVELING ELEVEN (BK 2) as much about breaking down Compound ELEVEN as it is untangling her true self. Ever since their return, her and Wren, she's been a tangled up mess. Her feelings locked away, frustration bubbling over, and her temper acting as a ticking time bomb. Her feelings are warranted, and I can't say misdirected entirely, but if she doesn't gain control, she's bound to lose more than she ever dreamed.

ENDING ELEVEN (BK 3) ...just celebrated its BOOK BIRTHDAY and brings everything full circle. Eve is struggling with everything that happened, but still contemplating how to accomplish bringing down "the man"... while topside, humanity is starting to show, and I don't mean in the kindness between strangers. There is so much more at work here than meets the eye, but when all is said and done, truth prevails. It'll be violent, it'll be bloody, but it will usher in a new era, for better or worse.

This was so intense! It's not for the faint of heart, but the stalwart of spirit, and you won't be disappointed come book's end. There is so much more I could say, and so much I'd love to detail out, but I don't want to ruin the surprises and reveals along the way. Trust me, you just have to dive in feet first, and take the plunge!

Many thanks to Riki and the Entangled Publishing team for the ecopies for review! (THANKS!) For more information or to snag a copy of your own, click through the links embedded above. 

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