Monday, March 6, 2023

Silver Dagger Book Tours presents... THE ADVENTURES OF WINSTON THE PIG: Meet Winston by Sarah Ambrosia Mulleneaux - REVIEW + GIVEAWAY!


Happy Monday, and welcome back to another bookish day here on my site.
Today's blog tour guest comes to us via Silver Dagger Book Tours and features the first book in a possible Children's Picture Book series starring none other than, Winston the Pig!  Who is he?  Ah, well you're about to make his acquaintance, and he's one heck of a fellow, so, let's not keep him waiting, shall we?  Ladies and gents, I give you today's ebook of choice...

The Adventures of Winston the Pig: Meet Winston

Written by Sarah Ambrosia Mulleneaux

Illustrated by Nadiya Lobanova

Genre: Children's Picture Book 

Winston the pig is not like the other animals where he lives. He has big red glasses and loves eating more than almost anything. He also has a habit of getting into trouble. Join Winston on the first of many adventures as he tries to find his place in the world and learns some valuable lessons along the way.

To me, this was a non holiday version of the classic story of a particular red-nosed know the one.  He has similar experiences...being laughed at, called names, left out of, well, ANY games...and to top it all off, even his stand-in parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goat are rather frustrated with his BIG appetite.  *blink blink*  I mean, he IS a growing...boy...aside from his species known habits, but I digress.  Winston is a charming little guy that just needs half the chance to show his community what he can do.  Should he have to prove his value?  No...absolutely not...but sometimes it takes extenuating circumstances to shine a light on the best aspects of you for all to see.  Sometimes they are so blinded by their misconceptions, and presumptions that they need that boost of others saying this is "some pig" (did you catch that reference?  Bonus points to you from me if you did!) to realize they are in fact something special.

By book's end, Winston has his time to shine and has been transformed into a local hero.  The moral of the story...don't judge a book by it's cover, or rather a pig by their diet, approach others that are new to you or different than you with an open mind AND heart, and always treat others the way you wish to be treated.  When the story is combined with the illustrations done in a lovely neutral palette, you simply can't resist this charming story.  Also, I did not know that the power of a pig's nose out sniffs that of a dog...did you?  Keep an eye out for other tantalizing facts as you get to know Winston!

Sarah lives in Arizona with her husband, kids, and menagerie of pets including Winston the pig. She is a surgical nurse who loves writing and has enjoyed working on this book with her friend and colleague, Nadiya. She and her two sons also run a pooper scooper business called The Poop Fairy.

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Nadiya Lobanova is a medical and scientific illustrator with a surgical nursing background. Due to her wide interest in other fields, she is also keen on creating illustrations for children's books and thus teamed up with Sarah to visualize a wonderful story in hopes of bringing a bit more kindness to this world through a growing generation.

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