Thursday, April 27, 2023

RRR presents... The Viscount's Daring Miss by Lotte R James - REVIEW!

Hello again!
It's been a busy week here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers, but the reading is EXCELLENT!  I mean, there are just SO MANY AMAZING titles coming out that it's hard to keep up, and that's just what I aim to help YOU do.  😉 highlighting a few that I've adventured through the pages of and can share the results with all of you!

Today's duo of posts are two different tours with two different groups.  They both share a Romance theme, though one is Contemporary and the other Historical, but they share one other thing as well...strong, independent, take-no-crap-from-anyone leading ladies that you'll respect while having an AWESOME time with them through the pages.  I mean, calling either of them friend would be a grand time, both enlightening, and memorable, so, without further ado, let's meet and greet our first one coming to us via Rachel's Random Resources...

The Viscount’s Daring Miss
Lotte R. James
Harlequin Books  |  Mills & Boon

About the book...

May the best Viscount or Miss…

When her best friend and employer is injured, groom Roberta ‘Bobby’ Kingsley feels compelled to help him. She agrees to step into the saddle and compete in an endurance horse race to help secure his ancestral home. Yet the minute Bobby comes face to face with her opponent—arrogant yet infuriatingly charismatic Lawrence, Viscount Hayes—it’s clear that it won’t just be the competition that has her heart racing!


Ah yes.
Give me a Harlequin Historical Romance any day, and I'm all set!

Roberta, aka Bobby, is such a treat, though Lawrence may have more to say about that in another connotation.  She's on the scene to help her lifelong friend out thanks to an injury he incurred in less manly more clumsy circumstances.  What's that have to do with the price of beans?  I'm getting there, hold your horses...although you'd be better off letting Bobby hold them for you!  She's something of a horse whisperer and the help she's providing involves a gentleman's challenge between her bestie, and the neighboring Viscount Hayes, where the winner either gets out of debt, or takes over the lands leaving the other not penniless, but close enough and certainly disgraced.  Guess which side she's on?  Yeah...the hoping to get out of debt one, and while the debt isn't hers, it might as well be because she's that close to Julian (the bestie), and a loss would also relocate, win she must, and although the Viscount may be underestimating her severely, her mad skills will take the pep out of his step in no time.  Funny thing though, the pep isn't really out of either of their fact, it might be a bit bigger than before, and their outlooks, on life at least, a bit rosier.  Uh-oh...

Yeah, uh-oh indeed, but whew do things heat up in a hurry!  Try as they might, their "interactions" aren't purely physical transactions because at the heart of things, they really get one another.  They can be themselves, comfortable in their own skin, and while their banter and name calling gets a bit blustery, you can cut the tension with a butter knife!  Watching these two come together while trying their hardest to stay apart will have your pulse racing as much for their potential, if they can ever get to the part were feelings are admitted to themselves, let alone each other, as well as the outcome of the race.  Who wins?  Who loses?  It all depends on your point of view, and strength of heart.

A great pick for Historical Romance fans!


About the author...

Lotte James trained as an actor and theatre director, but spent most of her life working day jobs crunching numbers whilst dreaming up stories of love and adventure. She’s thrilled to finally be writing those stories, and when she's not scribbling on tiny pieces of paper, she can usually be found wandering the countryside for inspiration, or nestling with coffee and a book.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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