Saturday, May 6, 2023


Hey there Swifties and non-Swifties.

Today, we're gonna take this not-so-great week and SHAKE IT OFF as we set our bookish focus on a NEW TITLE available now via Golden Books/Random House Children's Books. It's a LOVE, wait, LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO! 😉 *checks info* Correction, it's a Biography that fills in all that BLANK SPACE for that BEJEWELED musical artist that draws fans from knee high, TWENTY TWO, and beyond! ARE YOU READY FOR YOU? 😏 Well then, YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN just a smidgen so I can get the details out, and then you can get your GORGEOUS self to the bookstore of your choosing to snag a copy of this week's celebrant...

Wendy Loggia
Illustrated by
Elisa Chavarri
Golden Books

This is the story you may or may not know, but will certainly love, of how one young lady with the talent and a dream, followed her hours and heart to make things happen... and is still doing so today!

Say her name; there's not many that can honestly say they've never heard of her. Taylor Swift is an icon in her own right, but not everyone knows how she got where she is today, and that inspirational story is just the boost of confidence little ones need to take that next step on their own path in life. Whether they want a music career, film, medical, or blue collar, is not the "bigness" of the goal, or how important it may be viewed as, but that there is a goal, a dream they want with all their hearts, and they're not afraid to go out there and get it. Life isn't easy, life likes to throw monkey wrenches in the best oiled of works, but if we hold on to our truths, and keep that end goal in sight, there's nothing we can't achieve. 

I loved the inspiring story shared, and when paired with the lovely, and colorful illustrations, it really brought Taylor's story to life. If you're a die hard fan, they may be things you already know, but if you're not as hardcare or from the youngest set just starting out in the fandom, prepare for your eyes and your heart to be opened. 

This title is available now wherever books are sold!


Special thanks to Sarah at Random House Children's Books for the ecopy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, the illustrator, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. 

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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