Sunday, November 5, 2023

STORYBOOK SUNDAY: Fraser the Forest Ranger by Matthew Schufman - REVIEW!

We're celebrating another day of bookish fun with Storybook Sunday! For those not up to speed on the post, I read a lot of great storybooks and thought, why not give them their own day in the sun. Hence, Storybook Sunday appears every now and then!

Today's featured title is a NEW Picture Book COMING SOON to a bookstore shelf and virtual retailer near you from Random House Studio and Matthew Schufman!  It's a story that explores the beauty of nature, the peace in solitude, and the need for friendship.  Curious?  Well then, let's get between the pages of today's title on deck...

Matthew Schufman
Random House Studio
Release Date: 11/14/23

As soon as I saw the cover, I knew I wanted to see more.  It's a simple picture, but it conveys so much without any words!  At first glance, I knew we were peering at Fraser, and he was obviously in his element perched high above the forest in his Ranger Station, but I needed to know more!  What would the story give us beyond the time with nature and eye catching illustrations?  As it turns out, it presents a whole lot more than first glances give away!

We get to meet Fraser and see him well at home, but we also get to meet him at a time that a conundrum has presented itself, for he has realized that while he enjoys nature, and the animals that live in that which surrounds, he's a bit lonely, so he sets off to find a friend.  He travels near and far, yet in each space he ends up, something doesn't feel quite right.  It's sort of a Goldilocks know, the too-hot-too-cold bit?  The people and places he travels to end up being too loud, too self-involved, too different than what he's used to, or comfortable with, and in lieu of being thrown off balance completely, he makes his way back home through the forest and that which surrounds.  Simple and straightforward, and yet one wrong turn may actually have helped him discover just what he was looking for.

I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I will say it is a happy ending for our friend Fraser; in fact, I'd say it's a PERFECT match!  I loved meeting this little guy, reading about his love of the forest, eating pancakes for dinner, and seeing him get the chance to make a friend that really gets him.  It's a wonderful story that will remind readers that solo time is wonderful, as is indulging in our interests, but those connections we build with others, that circle of people we keep close, feed another part of our hearts to help us feel whole.


About the author...

MATTHEW SCHUFMAN is a graphic designer and a K–4 art teacher who works creatively with hundreds of students every week. He’s also a musician who writes and performs original music in the band Graveyard Club. They have been featured in the New York Times, on Netflix, and HBO. Matthew enjoys camping and taking long hikes through the forest. He lives with his wife, Lauren, and their corgi, Archie, in St. Paul, Minnesota.


Special thanks to the dream team at Blue Slip Media for the chance to bring this title to you and to Random House Studio for the copy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title celebrates its BOOK BIRTHDAY November 14th, 2023, so mark your calendar or pre order today!  Keep an eye out for more celebrations featuring this title throughout the blogosphere and social media!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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