Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Books to Movies: Coraline by Neil Gaiman

If you haven't seen this one, you've surely seen another...books are being turned into movies more and more frequently these days. Why not? You have an instant storyline that just needs a bit of tweaking before it is big screen worthy. Sounds like a no-brainer. A whole in one! Score!

Okay, now that I'm done with the sports analogies...in my humble opinion, sometimes they tend to "tweak" a little too much. Just think back to one (of I'm sure many) that you've read before viewing and remember all of the "that's not what happened" moments you experienced.

The grand silver screen can also act as a catalyst for getting books more exposure. It can instantly bring old and new titles alike to the forefront of reading lists today. Books you may not have even thought about reading before are given the chance to shine, creating a new legion of fans. One such book turned movie is

Coraline is the unlikely heroine in this dark tinged children's tale. She is a young girl, braver than most, yet slighter than many. One day, she while exploring her home, she happens upon a rather strange oddity. There is a door that leads to....a brick wall. Her mother advises her that it led to the apartment on the opposite at one time, but was sealed to allow other tenants. Happy as one can be with an explanation so mundane, Coraline scampers off to more exciting pursuits fed by her imagination. But alas, when one plans outdoor activities, the weather is not one to cooperate willingly, thus driving her back to her inside exploration endeavors. She searches here and there, high and low, to no avail. Thoroughly bored she comes upon the doorway to nowhere once again, only this time....it leads to SOMEWHERE.

This "other" world holds everything her own beloved home does, with added benefits. Both her "other" parents want nothing more than to play games and have fun with her; the neighbors put on stage shows for their many dogs. Yet, even when presented with all of this fun, Coraline's heart does not manage to stay in it. She can feel that something is very off about this "other" world, especially her "other" mother with her black button eyes. What darkness lurks behind those doll-like eyes? Will Coraline succumb to their nefarious plans?

Classified as children's literature, I do not hesitate in recommending this for all ages. It is well written in a style easily accessible to a child, yet the twists and turns of the engaging plot easily keep older readers coming back for more.

Feel free to leave your comments and feedback.
Until next time...happy reading!

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