Wednesday, August 26, 2009

SFIR Featured at Ink and Paper!

Hello, hello!  After yesterday's exciting post, I bet you didn't think you'd be reading something from me again so soon....just admit it!  Just face it...I like to keep you on your toes and surprises (good ones anyway) are always a blast!  Speaking of surprises, I received one today from Jo over at Ink and Paper.  She is a fellow book blogger who focuses more on fantasy book reviews and has recently been running a weekly feature called Wednesday's Blogger Interview.  Today being Wednesday, guess who's blog is featured?

Mine! (Yay me!)  That's right, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers book blogger interview went live today so whether you are a new visitor to the site, someone looking to find out a little more "what's behind the Reader" info, or just looking to check out a great site for fantasy book reviews, stop over at Ink and'll be glad you did!


  1. That's how I found you today :)
    Mega congrats! :)

  2. Thank you for the lovely words, and thank you for participating in the interview! :)

  3. Hi, thanks for stopping by Pen And Paper. Isn't that strange I just discovered Ink And Paper and there's her site mentioned again. I read your interview but to be honest didn't connect it with you.

  4. Juju: Thanks!

    Jo: My pleasure!

    Petty Witter: Small world! Interesting observation...any reason as to why? (just curious what the non-linking factor was)

