Thursday, September 17, 2009

BBAW: Day 4: Recommended Reading

Hello, everyone!  Welcome back to another exciting post...well, exciting for me, hopefully it is for you as well!  (Did I see you nod?  Yes!  I knew you liked the blog!)  It's day 4 of our celebration of ....

Book Blogger Appreciation Week

Today's activity actually stumped me at first.  It was suggested that we post about a book that we read purely based off of another blogs recommendation.  Now, although that may sound simple, I actually have done that yet! (GASP!)  I mean, my blog still being on the new side (4 months?) I am still working my way through my own TBR pile....which keeps getting larger thanks to other blogs...but I haven't tackled one of those particular books just yet.  So, what am I to post about?  (Well, obviously I chose something, or else this was a really long intro for nothing....keep reading...)

My post is going to be about a book a friend recommended in a "face-to-face" blog....meaning an ordinary conversation....and was kind enough to loan to me for my reading pleasure. (Thanks, Jean!)  It's not your everyday run of the mill novel either.  It's more of a'll see.  Today's choice is....

It Was a Dark & Stormy Night:  The Final Conflict
Compiled by
Scott Rice

How's that for a title?  Published by Penguin Books and listed as HUMOR, take a look at the back cover...
The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest has been calling for entrants to write an opening to a hypothetical horrible novel for many years.  Based on the entries in this fourth installment of It Was a Dark & Stormy Night, the depths are still to be plumbed.

Yes folks, this is an actual writing contest to see who can write the worst (yet developed) opening lines.  It still runs strong today and with a look at some of the winning entries, it's no wonder!  The ones included range from mildly funny, to slight-chuckle-alert, and finally to the must-laugh-out-loud-now.  To find out more about it's origins, why it is named as such, and how to enter...check out the site!  They even have a game listed for book lovers (sounds interesting).

Okay...even though you may be thinking about entering the competition, I propose a little bit of practice (and the chance for some really interesting comments...).  If you were going to write a fictious HORRIBLE sequel to one of your favorite books...which one would you choose?  Leave your proposed title and opening line in the comments, and let's have some fun!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. What a clever idea for a contest! And then to include some of the entries in a book? Very clever! Will definitely have to check this one out! Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. Happy to add to your potential TBR pile! =0)
