Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Roving Reader

Just couldn't resist this must be pretty good since it looks like someone sunk their teeth into it already!

Sam Savage

Check it out!


  1. Is there actually a chunk out of the book? It looks awesome and reminds me of Jaws :)

  2. Now there's a good gimmick. Reminds of many many years ago, when the Rolling Stones brought out an LP cover (yes that long ago) with a zip fly on it..

    Any thing that helps with sales..

    Thank you for sharing

    Barry Eva (Storyheart)
    Author of "Across the Pond"


  3. Bella: Yes! That's what caught my eye first off! The pages even have teeth mark edges to the cut out section!

    Storyheart: Hey...I remember LP's. They may have started out a while back, but they are still in style. Classic's never really disappear, they just go into hiding. I never actually saw that particular one (with the zip fly) but it sounds like it served its promo purpose well!

  4. I don't know about Jaws but it does remind me of a book my friend's puppy chewed much to my dismay. An interesting idea for a front cover though and, as you say, certainly eye catching

  5. That one catches my eye every time too.

    We got in SO many new kids and teen titles this week. Including 4th Leven Thumps in paperback.

  6. Petty Witter: Sad to say I had a similiar experience! Let's puppy plus easy access to books divided by no adult supervison.....I came home to the bottom shelf of my bookcase, chewed, shredded or questionably wet. Needless to say...I learned MY lesson! =0)

    Bri: Oooh, really? I've got books 1 -4 of that series in 5 is coming out this month I believe.....
