Friday, January 8, 2010

Dessert: Your One Stop Fun Break Shop! (6)

It's Friday!  Whoo-HOO!  For most people, that means the weekend is here and beckoning for them to cut loose.  In the spirit of the day, I bring to you a witty little dessert to help you on your way.  Take it away monsieur Happy Bunny.....

Now there...don't you feel better?
(...and yes, this description fits every one of you!  You guys are awesome indeed.)
(Oh and to cover any copyright scan courtesy of my 2009 Happy Bunny desk calendar!)
Until next time....happy reading!


  1. that bunny is soooo cute. I have to get a calender like that for this year!

    You have an award over at my blog. Reversing The Monotony :)

  2. Aye.Me?: Yes, Happy Bunny works on so many levels....a bit sarcastic, but hey, it's all in good fun! =0)
    (Thanks for the award! *smiles*)

  3. Heehee! As a bunny lover, I totally approve this post.

  4. Yunaleska: LOL. Thank you for your approval. =0D

    Alexia561: ...and yet so true!

  5. I love all those sarcastic comments from Happy Bunny
