Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Long Time Favorite, Re-born!: The Forbidden Game (trilogy) by L J Smith

Hello, again!  Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!
We have some truly AWESOME news today!  (Although if they were doing a blog tour or giveaway that I could host....it would be that much more awesome, but alas, have not heard anything as of yet....) One of my first reviews was of book one in a trilogy that I REALLY REALLY LOVE!  (just in case that wasn't strong enough....I REALLY LOVE it!) It was first released back in the early 90's and I was lucky enough to get my trade paperback editions at that time (thanks, Mom!).  In the following years, it went out of print as many books do (*SIGH*).....HOWEVER, I just found out that it is being RE-RELEASED later this year in an omnibus edition!  (That's a 3-n-1 for anyone wondering what omnibus meant....hey, there's no shame in not knowing, but not finding out, that's another story.....) 

Book 1:  The Hunter
Book 2:  The Chase
Book 3:  The Kill

Looks like the great folks at Simon & Schuster have another fabulous read to add to their current catalog.  For those of you that have not read it, I HIGHLY recommend it....especially for YA fiction lovers.  For those that have read it previously (such as moi), your copy has probably seen better days (from all that re-reading....), why not pick up a new one?  (I know I would LOVE to get my hands on one of these!  Added to my 'Wish List' already....)  Say hello to reaching another generation, L. J. Smith!  It's one that's sure to enjoy your fabulous work and keep it fresh for the years to come!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. That is AWESOME!!! although I have never read this series, I have recently (a couple of months ago) discovered L.J. Smith with her Night World series.
    Have you read that?
    its in 3 omnibus' I loved it! So now I'm going to be out looking for this one. THANKS!

  2. I'm pretty sure I read the first book of that series...vabuely remember it. I think it was offered online for a browse through by the publisher at one point. I'll definitely check it out though since if I did read it, it was only a fraction of the series. =0)

  3. This looks great! I actually have a couple of Smith's books in be TBR pile right now. So, maybe I will have to add another...*off to add to wishlist*.

    Thanks for the info!

  4. I just read her Dark Visions trilogy (in the new cover :D) and loved it. Will add this one to the list!

  5. The1stdaughter: No problem! Happy to share a book I LOVE!

    Yunaleska: Very cool....can't wait to see what you think of this one!
