Monday, February 1, 2010

28 Days of Winter Escapes: Book-A-Day Giveaway!

Good morning, everyone!  Welcome back to Satisafaction for Insatiable Readers!
This is the first of two posts today as I simply couldn't wait to share some exciting news.  What news?  (Hold on...I'm getting to it...)  You may have noticed to addition of a widget to the top section of my blog.  (Those in the bloggy world, know the term widget...those that are new, it's the new flashy graphic thingy above this post....)  It's not just there because it looks pretty, although it's there to help give YOU the chance to win a book every day from the fantastic folks over at HarperTEEN (Harper Collins Children's Publishing)!

For a overview and a sneak peek at the books being featured, click on over to the site.  For your chance to WIN A BOOK EVERY DAY, be sure to stop by and click on the link in the widget to answer the daily question!  On February 18th, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers will be the featured stop of the say with a special book review and Q&A with an be unveiled (hey, I can't tell you EVERYTHING in would ruin the surprise!  So start visiting, clicking and spreading the word!  If you are on Twitter and have the urge to tweet about the event, be sure to include #28daygiveaway in your tweet and it should appear in the widget/sites Twitter feed!

Thanks for stopping by....and happy reading!


  1. How cool is this? It's awesome! Thanks for the heads-up!

  2. I saw this this morning and thought it looked so cool! I'm so excited you get to be a part of it. How fun! Can't wait to see what you're doing with it!

  3. I just posted about this event! Congrats on being one of the coolest bloggers out there that get to host!! I'll be sure to stop by on the 18th.

  4. Melanie: Welcome! =0)

    The1stdaughter: *SMILE* Yup, I can't BELIEVE that I get to participate! (Squeee!) Trust me, you're gonna LOVE the book and author interview I've's as much fun as all the other stops along the 28 days! =0)

    Alison: Aww...thanks! I'm just excited I'm able to participate! See you on the 18th! =0)
