Friday, February 12, 2010

Dessert: Your One Stop Fun Break Shop! (9)

TADA!  As's post number 2 for the day and it's all about fun, FuN, FUN!  When out shopping recently, I decided to pick up a new daily desk calendar.  No offense to the Rubes one, but the jokes were wearing a little thin at times.  Which one did I get, you ask?  Hehehe...a fun one for certain....have you ever heard of Get Fuzzy?  If you have, than you know what you're in store for.  If not, no worries...there is no time like the present to introduce yourself to something new.  Time for a little literary related laugh....

....the one that follows this is even more funny...but you'll have to wait for part 2!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Get Fuzzy is too funny! Poor Rob has to put up with an obnoxious cat and a sweet, but dumb dog. Hey, sort of like Garfield, but with more of an attitude! *L*

    Enjoy your new calendar!
