Thursday, February 11, 2010

Food for Thought

Hello again, everyone!  Thank you for stopping by and taking a moment to grace my site with your presence.  (What's that?  No, I'm not sucking up....just saying thank you.)  One quick thing to note before I fully break into my own ramblings...Peter over at Flashlight Worthy Book Recommendations is looking for your input.  If you have a moment during your daily wanderings, stop by his site and check out the lists he currently has up.  If you have any suggestions for a new list or books that should be added to existing ones, etc, etc, etc.....send him an email.....he'll be glad you did!  (Well, especially since he's asking for your would be awfully odd to not be glad for the suggestions after that...anywho..moving on...)

Today's post is that once-in-a-while fabulous feature that turns up when I've got something to say or discuss.  More often than not, it is book related, and this one falls right in that category as well.  It's time for another rousing round of 'Food for Thought'!  (insert applause here)
It has been noted that a picture can say a thousand words.  In the case of a book cover, it is often those very silent words it is trying to convey that capture your interest or place it in the walk-on-by pile.  We all know the role a good cover, title, and font play in that intial attraction to a book.  We've seen the discussion throughout the blogosphere in regards to US versus UK covers, etc.  The question I pose to you today is this...

Does a picture of a celebrity "make" a cover for you?  If given the choice (and prices were the same), do you go for the classic/original cover or the made-for-movie makeover version?  Here are a few examples for you to consider....

So I ask YOU, fellow readers....what is your preference?  In general?  How about in regards to the titles I've shown above?  Feel free to share your thoughts and let's see where the cover love lies....


  1. Prices the same, all things being equal - I like the oldies - they are what hold a special place in my heart...though I just bought the new covered Dear John - amazingly it was way cheaper than the originial.

  2. I prefer the orginial covers. More often then not, don't like to have faces prominent on the cover as I like to visualize them myself as I read. I must say the Lightening Thief movie-tie-in cover is awesome looking, much more action packed!

  3. I love the movie covers on almost all of these. The only one I like less is the Twilight cover. The original apple cover rocks.

  4. Ooh! Look at all the pretty comments! I love when I spark conversation in people... =0)

    Book Crazy Jenn: Same here. 99% of the time if it's at least the same cost (or less) I go with the original cover as well. =0)

    Mel (He Followed Me Home): Good point about visualizing the characters. I don't mind a face or two on my cover, but I much prefer the ones the artist dream or author dream up...normally a closer match to the book description. I agree on The Lightning Thief cover though....can honestly say it will probably draw more eyes...

    Christina/Book Addict: Yay! Another fan of the originals! =0)

    Juju: Ooh...bucking the majority vote there. No each their own. I do love the fact that you love the original Twilight cover're right...the simple yet stunning nature of them DOES rock. =0)

  5. If I read the book before seeing the movie - I always prefer the original.

    However, if I saw the movie first - I always associate the actor/actress as the "face" of the character - it's hard to imagine them looking like anyone else.

    When there are multiple movie versions, it's usually the first version I've seen that I associate with the character.

  6. Apparently I'm half and half. The first two I'd choose the new ones and the bottom two I'd choose the originals.

  7. I will almost always take the original cover over the movie tie-in. Because, what if I end up hating the movie and then every time I go to read the book, I have to be reminded of that fact? lol The exception in this bunch is PUSH. The original cover is butt-ugly. Though, i've sworn never to read the book (I think it would depress me for possibly months) so it's a bit of a moot point.

    Great post.

  8. I tend to prefer the original covers to the movie tie-ins. Although the new covers for The Lightning Thief and The Last Song are nice, still like the originals better.

    I actually like the originals for Push and Twilight much, much better than the new ones. Push is stark and eye-catching, and the apple for Twilight is more artistic.

  9. Original covers! Except, that third book . . . ugh. I don't like either of them, but I'd still go with the original.

  10. I'm definitely an original cover kind of girl. If I see a "celebtrity cover" I sometimes will decide not to get the book, just a turn off for me I guess.

  11. All of the originals, except for Precious. I love the newer cover for that one,

  12. I prefer the original book covers on all of them except for The Lightning Thief(but that's got nothing to do with the boy on the picture. I don't even know who he is *blush*).

  13. Tribute Books: Good point! The image of the character is influenced by what you've seen if you choose the movie versus the book first.....which can be both helpful is the characters are not described in great detail, or a hinderance for those with active imaginations.

    Elisabeth Marie: is a personal choice...the one that speak to us most. Suppose of course that is why both versions generally still sell before and after a movie cover is added.

    NotNessie: LOL. That seems to be the general opinion on the PUSH cover....funny thing is, without the movie-tie in one....must people didn't associate the ORIGINAl titled work!

    Alexia561: Now see, I'm not a huge fan of the new one for THE LAST SONG...not sure why though. I do agree though that sometimes the STARK covers work REALLY well....they spotlight something that makes you HAVE to look!

    Bookfool: And yet another one for the "don't-like-the-third-book-cover-category". =0)

    The1stdaughter: Agreed (in most cases). I think that's my problem with THE LAST SONG cover redo... =0)

    Lea: Majority rules! No one seems to like that cover...LOL.

    Ladybug: OH, I'm sure the actor there has NOTHING to do with it....LOL. XD
