Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

You never know when love will strike
That instant surge of heart,
A passing glance
A stolen smile,
True feelings still impart.
On this day of Valentine
Allow dear cupid to take aim,
Sure and true
This ones for you....
Well, at least this way, it didn't cause you pain!

Wishing you a very Happy Valentine's Day!
Hope you are spending it with those you love (or at the very least, doing what you love)!


  1. Hi,
    I found your blog very entertaining. At our company, we are planning to throw a Valentine's day party this Friday, though we are a little late but hope to have a nice get together for our staff as well as share holders. I am checking sites for some out-of-the-box ideas. Any suggestions...?
    Thank you!

  2. Happy Valentines Day! Hope you were able to get in a good movie and spend time with your family! Ours was quiet and had lots of chocolate...just perfect!

  3. Katie Fladlien: ideas? Umm......well, sweets for V day always go over could do something with poetry (sharing your favorites...writing your own)....aside from that, I'll leave it open to my visitors....guys, any suggestions?

    Alexia561: Same to you! =0)

    The1stdaughter: Went to see The Wolfman, was pretty good. Sounds like you had a lovely's hoping for many more! =0)
